
I proclaim it Task Force Time in Natchez

Rome wasn’t built in a day. And one person didn’t build it either. If I’ve learned anything in ...


It’s easier to play victim than be accountable

Accountability is a willingness to accept responsibility for one’s actions. And while sometimes it is easier to play ...


Our boat may be small, but opportunities great

When he was president, John F. Kennedy kept a small bronze plaque on his desk.


Blood drive, Covid-19 antibody testing Aug. 12

Thank you so much to the generous people of the Miss-Lou for donating blood last week at the ...


Don’t defund police; retrain people to comply

Do you know what stands between us, the law-abiding, peace-loving, God-fearing citizens of Natchez and street thugs, violence, ...

Z – Newsletter Opinion

Phillip West: ‘Only truth will make us all free’

This article is written in response to an opinion written by Jan Griffey general manager of The Natchez ...


Transparency is key to successful administration

I told a friend just this week that the fast-tracked inauguration, followed by two back-to-back Board of Aldermen ...


Blood drive, free COVID-19 antibody testing

We are in the midst of a critical blood shortage along with the COVID-19 pandemic. The national blood ...


College football on the brink

If you love college football, prepare to be disappointed.


Congress considers legislation to support local news

In the past five months, Congress has responded to the coronavirus public health crisis with several emergency relief ...


Have a seat at Concord Quarters’ table

Recent public protests in Natchez in response to shooting deaths of Ahmaud Arbery, George Floyd, Rayshard Brooks and ...


On Independence Day recall founders’ views of free press

America’s Founders regarded a free press as so vital to the new nation that they took care to ...


Join us Saturday for Lake St. John Flotilla

The 28th Annual Lake St. John Flotilla and Blessing of the Boats sets sail on Saturday, July 4.


Natchez Bicycle Classic will be Ride not Race

It’s a Ride not a Race! The Natchez-Adams Chamber of Commerce Young Professionals and Leadership Natchez are delighted ...


Treat others as you would like to be treated

Race, police brutality, coronavirus, underlying health issues, and yes black-on-black senseless killings encompass blacks.


Consider historic lessons held at Longwood

At this time there have been renewed calls for the destruction of monuments and other memorials to the ...


Torch burns at Holy Family Learning Center

To the parents, guardians, community and stakeholders:

Opinion Main

Assaults on journalists are assaults on all of our rights

In the past, journalists in the USA have been able to safely perform their work, as domestic acts ...


Feast of Pentecost calls us to accept God’s spirit

The celebration of Pentecost is certainly one of the great feasts in the liturgical or church year, along ...


Now is time to stay course through May 31

Dear Citizens, As the 2019-2020 academic year draws to an end, many of us are already wondering what ...

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