Ben Hillyer

Informed choices are best approach

I wish I lived in Natchez Alderman Mark Fortenbery’s ward.

Christina Hall

Christina Hall was real friend to readers

Last week was a week to forget.

Columnist: Kevin Cooper

Daughter knows how to make the calls

Move over Babe Ruth, Anna “Banana” may just have you beat soon. Just shy of turning 14 months ...

Ben Hillyer

Hall loved food, family, laughter

After 13 years, I had grown accustomed to the laughter.

Columnist: Kevin Cooper

Natchez Regional system is broken beyond repair

Natchez Regional Medical Center, as we know it, appears to be on the brink of disintegrating.

Ben Hillyer

How far has technology taken us?

A lot of thinking can be done when you spend time staring at a blank computer monitor, holding ...

Columnist: Kevin Cooper

Paperwork leaves NRMC questions

Bankruptcy court documents filed last week offer little insight into the real cause of Natchez Regional’s horrible financial ...

Ben Hillyer

Just what role should parents play?

I can’t remember a time when my parents ever helped me do my homework.

Columnist: Kevin Cooper

Industries have to make logical sense

Illogical or ahead of its time? That’s a question often pondered in the realm of economic development.

Ben Hillyer

CVB director choice could affect legacy

When the last piece of confetti falls and all 365 days of Natchez’s 300th birthday end, what one ...

Columnist: Kevin Cooper

Few good things happen after 2 a.m.

Downtown Natchez continues to go through a tug-of-war of sorts between the establishments and residents that close and ...

Ben Hillyer

Grammar scores a hit with baseball

Who knew that Dracula understands the infield fly rule or knows the difference between a no-hitter and a ...

Columnist: Kevin Cooper

Bankruptcy not a cure all for NRMC

The secrecy surrounding the cash incinerator known as Natchez Regional Medical Center may not end anytime soon. Many ...

Ben Hillyer

Son winning pop culture race for now

What does it mean when the only person in our house who has seen an Academy Award winning ...

Columnist: Kevin Cooper

Heroes make community amazing place

Each year, The Democrat sets aside a little time and some newsprint to do something important — highlight ...

Columnist: Kevin Cooper

Nothing boring about our community

Nothing exciting ever goes on around here. Ever heard someone say that in the Natchez area? If so, ...

Ben Hillyer

Miss-Lou’s unique story told in Profile

When I got married, I was convinced my wife and I shared the same opinions on almost ...

Columnist: Kevin Cooper

Time is too precious to let it pass on by

Exactly 368 days ago, my world changed. At 1:07 p.m., Thursday, Feb. 14, 2013, a 7-pound, 6-ounce creature ...

Ben Hillyer

Homemade cards shape our Valentine’s

We have been learning what love is in the Hillyer house. It is Valentine’s Day after all.

Columnist: Kevin Cooper

Community was misled by hospital board

Like many local residents, news last week that Natchez Regional Medical Center was seeking to file bankruptcy came ...

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