Julie Cooper

Election season calls for policies

With 146 important days ahead of us, it’s time to dust off a few long-standing policies here at ...

Julie Cooper

Start of election season means homework

Strike up the band, the wagon’s coming through any minute now.

Julie Cooper

Optimism is difficult, but necessary

I’ve had a difficult time in recent weeks balancing Census sticker shock with my general belief that optimism ...

Julie Cooper

Residents must stop drain

Like it or not, the U.S. Census Bureau has just stamped a nasty label right over our community’s ...

Julie Cooper

Brown vote timing is black eye for state

Butch Brown may have as many fans in Natchez as he does enemies in the state, but neither ...

Julie Cooper

Interesting folks fill our community

Anyone new to town should work for the newspaper for a week.

Julie Cooper

Come on, it’s too easy not to help out

It’s never been easier to be a cheerleader, active civic partner and leader in your community while wearing ...

Julie Cooper

You might just be the one we need

Two, threes, fours and fives are becoming ones all around us. Just read the headlines.

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