Latest Columnist: Stacy Graning


Here’s to your community newspaper, in all its forms

You might not have noticed – because we aren’t the best at tooting our own horns – but ...


Notes and musings from the reporter’s notebook

Just a few weeks back in Natchez and the trusty reporter’s notebook is filling up with scribbles and ...


It’s time to shine the light on our volunteers

By now you’ve likely read Sabrina Robertson’s story about the vital work AmeriCorps volunteers are doing in Ferriday, ...


Estes’ legacy a fitting one for Natchez City Cemetery

When people are lucky, their passions can lead to a legacy. That’s just what happened with Don Estes, ...


Embracing a new role in a familiar place

More than a few years ago, a wide-eyed soon-to-be college graduate walked into Joan Gandy’s office at The ...


Springing forward is simply insanity

Warning: Unpopular opinion ahead. This weekend, as we do every second weekend in March, we’ll be “springing forward” ...


Pondering a surprisingly weighty topic

When it comes to the plethora of “days” to commemorate on social media, I always seem to be ...


How many books did you read in 2023?

A couple of years ago, a co-worker asked if I had any books I wanted to discard. It ...


Natchez roots nurture celebrated artist’s gift

“Heather Christian is redefining the musical.” The headline popped up as I was working through dozens of emails, ...


Natchez still nourishes the ‘foodie’ in us all

Family lore says that I was a picky eater as a child. Spaghetti and meatballs, hot dogs, roast ...


Cleaning out the notebook: From baseball to health care

From deep sea tragedies to nail-biting baseball games, it’s been a doozy of a week. And with summer ...


It’s time to play favorites in the Miss-Lou

Admit it: You play favorites. We all do. Whether it’s that favorite old t-shirt that you just can’t ...


A new book brings a lesson on six degrees of separation

We have a running joke in our family that we like to call “six degrees of Natchez.” It ...


Time to empty the reporter’s notebook again

Somehow April has passed and May is upon us … is anyone else out there suffering 2023 whiplash? ...


Society faces a problem ‘far beyond’ anything we can fix alone

“It’s a culture that’s quick to take offense and ready to resort to violence at the drop of ...


Emptying out the reporter’s notebook

Boxes of notebooks are an occupational hazard for a journalist. Moving back to Mississippi from Alabama, I discovered ...


They are all good dogs

We had to say goodbye to a beloved family member recently. Sport, the ever-happy Springer Spaniel we’d loved ...


Seeing the face of God among us

The questions never came with a warning. When my children were little, the questions came, most often, at ...

Opinion Columnists

Maybe the ‘winning’ lies in simply being willing to try

Years ago, my late father decided he wanted to get involved in his daughters’ education. Recently relocated to ...


Jenkins’ focus good fit for promoting Chamber, Natchez

Lyn Fortenberry Jenkins may not consider herself a morning person, but she’s doing her best to fake it. ...

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