
Response time deserves attention

Adams County Supervisor David Carter wears many hats: husband, father, elected official and horse expert.


Stop playing with money for education

Mississippi’s lawmakers successfully kept their ability to shortchange the state’s public education funding Tuesday night after Initiative 42 ...


Flag debate needs cool-headed talk

If Mississippians don’t think the state flag — which contains a Confederate emblem — remains a hot-button issue, ...


We should care more about voting

Today after months and months of campaigning, primaries and lots of rhetoric, Mississippi voters will head to the ...


Good news shines, despite weather

Despite some much-needed wet weather which tried hard to dampen some outside event — including Halloween — last ...


Approve then choose Initiative 42

When Mississippians head to the polls Tuesday, the simple issue of how our state funds its public education ...


Cities have foresight to move holiday

Many thanks to the City of Natchez for wisely taking the lead on moving the official date of ...


Current court fines system not working

Natchez and Adams County have struggled with something hundreds of businesses across the area and perhaps millions of ...


Rains don’t dampen area good news

Despite a rainy weekend, the Miss-Lou shined brightly last week with multiple successes. Let’s take a moment to ...


Think pink today and every day

Cancer: The word strikes fear in our hearts and minds because of the disease’s sometimes-deadly consequences.


Casino was valued civic partner

Tuesday afternoon a sign company worked to wrestle the large, circular symbol from its longstanding perch, high atop ...


Marlow’s dedication is well deserved

Years from now, the small green sign on Government Fleet Road may not mean much to drivers headed ...


Good NASD leaders can bring teachers

The Natchez-Adams School District has a teacher problem — they cannot find enough qualified teachers to fill vacancies ...


Miss-Lou filled with more good news

Good morning and good Monday. Let’s take a moment to remember some of the good news headlines from ...


Ferriday leaders need to grow up

Last week’s Ferriday Board of Aldermen meeting left us asking a simple question: Can Ferriday’s elected officials please ...


30 looks good on balloon race

A beautiful Natchez lady will turn 30 today and unlike most who cringe at the thought of the ...


Violence must stop in community

For most of us, the senseless tragedies that seem to have been so commonplace in our communities are ...


Columbus Day has lost its luster

Since 1937, the second Monday in October has been a day the U.S. federal government sets aside to ...


Fall heralds good news for Miss-Lou

Fall is in the air, and so is good news in the Miss-Lou. Let’s take a moment to ...


Transparency essential in city spending

Former U.S. Supreme Court Justice Louis Brandeis once wrote, “Sunlight is said to be the best of disinfectants; ...

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