
Do we really need expensive lobbyists?

The Natchez Mayor and Board of Aldermen and the Adams County Board of Supervisors are considering pooling their ...


Sharing information crucial to security

Two recent incidents in Adams County brought to light the importance of sharing information.


Why can’t we get an elected school board?

Natchez and Adams County need, deserve and want an elected school board.


School board members want to make improvements

As a former classroom teacher and a current classroom teacher who serve on your Natchez Adams County School ...


School board members should be elected

Adams County Supervisor Wes Middleton is right.


Now is not time to let guard down on COVID-19

After weeks of spiking numbers, Mississippi’s new confirmed COVID-19 numbers are starting to level off and are not ...


Consider becoming humane society member

The purpose of the Natchez Adams County Humane Society (NACHS) is to promote the humane treatment of animals. ...


Tourism is making a comeback in Natchez

While driving to work one morning this week, I spied something elusive, something we’ve been sorely missing here, ...


State’s criminal justice system fails again

An off-duty state trooper is dead and at least one of the suspects in the killing was under ...


It’s easier to play victim than be accountable

Accountability is a willingness to accept responsibility for one’s actions. And while sometimes it is easier to play ...


Our boat may be small, but opportunities great

When he was president, John F. Kennedy kept a small bronze plaque on his desk.


Blood drive, Covid-19 antibody testing Aug. 12

Thank you so much to the generous people of the Miss-Lou for donating blood last week at the ...


For the love of this community, please wear a mask

Wear a mask. Please. We know. They are uncomfortable. We don’t like them either.

Z – Newsletter Opinion

Phillip West: ‘Only truth will make us all free’

This article is written in response to an opinion written by Jan Griffey general manager of The Natchez ...


Board shows commitment to open meetings

We welcome the new attitude of governance from Natchez Mayor Dan Gibson and the newly elected board of ...

Z – Newsletter Opinion

Tired of COVID-19? Do your part to help end it

I’m tired of COVID-19 as I am sure most of you are, too.

Opinion Main

Help curb crime by locking doors sharing details

Natchez and Adams County are experiencing an uptick in violent crimes and non-violent crimes in recent weeks.


Step up and be counted in US 2020 Census

Adams County could sure use a few million dollars and a few hundred jobs right now. With all ...


Natchez has a good vibe going after election

It seems the mood is a little brighter in Natchez today, the future more hopeful.

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