Ben Hillyer

Election season will soon be upon us all

Now that the last of spring’s flowers have come and gone, another type of bloom has begun to ...

Columnist: Kevin Cooper

During hard times, faith kicks in to high gear

Two months removed from a catastrophic day, Renae Loy can calmly recount what happened on the weekend of ...

Columnist: Kevin Cooper

Violent riots in Baltimore are senseless

As Baltimore melted in chaos last week, most of us either ignored it or watched the sordid mess ...

Ben Hillyer

Hop aboard license plate bandwagon

I know I am going to be rockin, with my new Natchez Tricentennial license plate on the back ...

Columnist: Kevin Cooper

Bartering is often a part of life

Moments of clarity seem to come more quickly with age — though admittedly for many of us ...

Ben Hillyer

New Natchez car tag poses dilemma

I may sound like a crotchety old man waving his cane at those young whippersnappers, but back in ...

Columnist: Kevin Cooper

Interested, caring Slatter not forgotten

Suffice to say a community newspaper gets its fair share of complaints. It comes with the territory.

Ben Hillyer

Slatter knew what made a good story

I am not old enough to have ever heard a live Bill Slatter radio broadcast or watch the ...

Columnist: Kevin Cooper

Less restrictive gun law is good for state

Mississippi women — and a few confident men — may soon be sporting looks that kill.

Ben Hillyer

Losing, like winning, is a part of life

I am glad that my son lost. I may have been the only parent standing on the Duncan ...

Columnist: Kevin Cooper

We must act now in reversing downward population trend

If you’ve never been to what’s effectively the ghost town of Rodney in Jefferson County, it’s worth ...

Columnist: Kevin Cooper

Credit for NRMC recovery is misplaced

One year ago last week, Natchez Regional Medical Center filed bankruptcy, surprising many citizens in the process.


We should live with facts not speculation

Greed, or the love of money, may indeed be the root of all evil, but speculation may be ...

Columnist: Kevin Cooper

Bond proposal doesn’t pass smell test

Kingdom building can be addictive, so much so that the builders can convince themselves their plans are unquestionable.

Columnist: Kevin Cooper

Depot plans need ‘Spock’ sensibilities

Natchez could use a good Vulcan about now, since all of the humans continue to mess things up ...

Columnist: Kevin Cooper

Teamwork is essential for great success

Good things come to those who wait. That’s the way the old saying goes. But it’s only partially ...

Ben Hillyer

Hard copies best way to save memories in digital world

I spent what seemed like forever searching for the photo I took nearly five years ago of Gibson ...

Columnist: Kevin Cooper

Simple words mean so much to father

Two years ago today, the words “Hold you,” had little meaning. They were simply two seemingly unconnected words ...

Columnist: Kevin Cooper

Vision needed for future of recreation

Last week, a thought struck me. Why is our area filled with such selfish adults?

Ben Hillyer

Unified vision needed for building plans

When people come together with a unified vision, even the impossible is possible.

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