Columnist: Kevin Cooper

Year filled with both highs, lows

If you wanted to get something done in 2012, your time is running out.


Help us honor the best of the Miss-Lou

As we approach the final days of 2012, you’ll be seeing, hearing and reading plenty of lists recapping ...

Columnist: Kevin Cooper

True meaning of season grows each year

Can Christmas really be in two days? It seems impossible.

Ben Hillyer

Tis the season to be aching, fa, la, la, la

Deck the halls with airborne flu germs, cough, cough, cough, cough, hack, sniffle, moan, moan, moan.


Is addiction something to celebrate?

Hundreds of local residents, including prominent leaders, turned a blind eye Tuesday as they celebrated Natchez’s newest corporate ...

Columnist: Kevin Cooper

We all need to be team players, even mayor

Nearly four years ago, our community leaders’ divisive egos just about got the best of us.

Ben Hillyer

Are we ready to fight a water war?

Regardless whether it was Mark Twain or Will Rogers, the man who said, “Whiskey is for drinking, water ...


It’s soon time to build on our bruises

A year should be long enough for the bruises of last Christmas season to heal, making way for ...

Columnist: Kevin Cooper

City needs to quit making quick deals

Call me a skeptic, it’s OK, I won’t be offended, but I simply don’t trust things that seem ...

Ben Hillyer

Santa is making my life difficult

The originator of Santa Claus certainly knew how to torment parents.


Trash crews can become good friends

In our go-go-go world, something is still special about the faces that make a trip to your house ...

Columnist: Kevin Cooper

Secret deal only raises too many questions

If two wrongs don’t make a right, do two secrets do any better?

Ben Hillyer

Casino OK was moment of vindication

For all who had the patience, persevered in the face of doubt and had faith in the process, ...


Dear Santa, did you get my letter?

Waiting on a reply to a personal letter or note can be a bit on the excruciating side.

Columnist: Kevin Cooper

Have you had your holiday ‘Duh!’ moment yet?

Have you ever just had one of those, “Duh!” moments when you realize you’ve completely missed the mark ...

Ben Hillyer

Twinkies are a part of our forgotten past

When was the last time you ate a Hostess Twinkie?


And I do appreciate you being round

The Beatles, when they began acknowledging they weren’t so self-assured, would have liked the Miss-Lou.

Columnist: Kevin Cooper

Natchez lights up this week

A drive down Main Street last week was a slight shock to my internal clock.

Ben Hillyer

Remember what you wished for?

Three weeks ago, my 3-year-old’s favorite reading materials featured a little blue truck, a bevy of Dr. Seussian ...


District’s fresh face has opportunity

The time it took new Superintendent Frederick Hill to explain his goals for the district and field 20 ...

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