What are the Democrats doing?
Published 12:08 am Thursday, June 9, 2011
America is on its knees gagging on 14 trillion of debt and over 16 percent jobless by the U6 number so what are Democrats doing about it?
America has more than 45 million now on food stamps, so what are Democrats doing about it?
America is fast running out of entitlement funds so, what are Democrats doing about it?
This is no surprise to me. The Democrats are in the socialist utopian business.
In order to promote or protect their toxic policies they have only distractions, lies and smears.
They are not in the business of defending huge government, higher taxes or secularism.
You will see stalling, ignoring and pretending but you will not see their better realistic ideas.
They are married to their socialist utopian dream (for you, not for them).
As the months go by, keep in mind every time they open their mouth. It is at some level a distraction from the results of their policies, a bold lie told with repetition or a smear instead of a logical argument.
The Democrats have no choice because they are “selling fire to a scarecrow” and can never, ever be honest.
Also remember recent years in which only Democrats refused to meet with their voters or mocked their questions at meetings or stormed off when pressed for an answer. Now we see a high percentage of “no questions” news conferences.
This is because they cannot be real or honest about the results of their toxic policies plus they are arrogant by nature.
Recall that when OzBama Care (aka socialized medicine) was passed. It exempted all federal employees and congress.
What does that tell voters about how democrats really think about you?
Doug Schexnayder
Vidalia resident