Volunteer of the week- Emily Fox, ‘The woman to reach your hand out to’

Published 12:29 pm Wednesday, July 10, 2024

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NATCHEZ – This week’s volunteer of the week is Emily Fox, who has been not just a prominent member of different volunteer organizations in Natchez, such as the Stewpot, but also someone who has had a long standing with the Mississippi branch of the national organization NAMI. Fox has been a Natchez resident since 2016, when she and her late husband moved here from Oxford.  


“Originally it was just supposed to be a weekend away, but even in that short weekend we fell in love with the place and knew that this is where we wanted to be.” Fox said


What would you like people to know about NAMI and the Stewpot? 

Stewpot is an independent nonprofit organization whose goal is to heavily deplenish hunger and lack of food around Natchez. What is special about the Stewpot is that it is not the same as many national soup kitchens or anything of that nature, their registration process is not half as strict and we don’t reject anyone who meets a certain financial mark. The Stewpot is for anyone who the access of food is hard for, the elderly, the financially challenged and the disabled.


NAMI, or the National Alliance on Mental Illness, is an organization that is aimed to help anyone who is struggling, or knows someone who is struggling with mental illness. NAMI is a nation-wide organization that is organized in a branch system, with each state having its own respected branch.


How long have you been with each of these organizations?

I have been with the Stewpot since 2019, I learned about it first through an opportunity that I was given to volunteer through my church. When it comes to NAMIi I  have been a part of that organization for almost 12 years now. 


What kind of change did you hope to create with these organizations?

Throughout my time with each of these organizations, the main change that I wanted to see was the availability and comfort that we could give to the people who were not blessed with such privilege. When it comes to the Stewpot I would say that I wanted to be able to make a contribution to a change that we as a group have been working for a long time.


When it comes to NAMI the main change that I hoped to achieve through my work with the organization is to bring awareness. Mental Health in a lot of cases can often go under-represented, and after my own personal struggles I knew that help was something that everyone deserves.


What did you enjoy most about your work with NAMI and The Stewpot?

It has to be the connections for sure. The main work that I do with the Stewpot is running delivery routes, therefore I get to meet a lot of the people that I deliver food to. Seeing their face and getting to know them personally has to be one of the most gratifying feelings. 


My work with NAMI mostly surrounded the organizations of both seminars as well as classes that were used to both give support as well as inform. What I enjoyed most was shaping the understanding of mental health to anyone willing to come out and learn.


How can people who want to contribute to these organizations reach out?

When it comes to these organizations you can find more information about NAMI at their website, ​​​​Homepage – NAMI Mississippi (namims.org). Anyone who wants to contribute with the stewpot, either with donations or volunteer work, can learn more by calling (601) 442-9413.


If you have a suggestion for a Volunteer of the Week, email us at newsroom@natchezdemocrat.com.