Gayosa Community Fall Festival is Saturday

Published 12:01 am Friday, November 1, 2019

On Saturday the Gayosa Community will sponsor a Community Fall Festival. The event will take place from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. at the Christian Hope Baptist Church located at 301 LaSalle Street. The church is located on the corner of Gayosa and LaSalle Street.

This is the first time a Fall Festival has been sponsored by the Gayosa community. However, in the past the event has been sponsored by the Christian Hope Baptist Church. The idea of having a Community Festival gives more meaning to the Harvest Season or Thanksgiving Season. As a community we have so many reasons to be thankful. 

We are thankful for our neighbors. Good neighbors are a blessing to any neighborhood. A neighborhood can be defined as a geographically localized community within a larger city, town, suburb or rural area. Neighborhoods are often social communities with considerable face-to-face interaction among members. Fellowshipping with our neighbors gives us a sense of belonging as we share a common area in this busy world. We are there to assist and encourage one another in our daily walk.

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We are thankful for the Harvest or Thanksgiving season that we are presently enjoying. The harvest follows a season of planting, cultivating, and nurturing until the crops are ready for gathering. It is at this stage that one can relax and enjoy the fruits of their labor. The Psalmist says, “It is good thing to give thanks unto Lord.”

It is with this spirit that we invite members of this community and the Natchez community to come and join us for this Fall Festival.  It will certainly be a joy to see and talk with our neighbors whom we very seldom get a chance to fellowship with. 

Visiting our neighbors and really getting to know them seems to be a concept of the past. Some are actually fearful of their neighbors and do not care to even speak to them. It is rewarding to get to know your neighbor. There is fear of the unknown. I heard someone say, “I just mind my own business,” and I understand what they mean, however, reaching out to our neighbors should be our business. Jesus said,” Thou shall love thy neighbor as thyself.” (Matt. 22:39b).

The event is filled with activities. Attendees have a choice between a number of table games, silent auction, cakewalk, dartboard, dunking booth, horseback riding, dry slide, jump house, hayride and other activities for their enjoyment. Those who have a desire for snacks should visit the concession stand and enjoy, hotdogs, nachos, chips, hamburgers, drinks for a small donation. The committee consisting of, Brothers: Walter Mackel, Perry Bruce, Robert James, David Williams, and Gregory Cosey, Sisters: Barbara Bruce, Shelly Frazier, Theresa Hall, Myra King, and Elizabeth Evans have donated their time, money and ideas to make this an enjoyable event for all participants.       

In that it is a Community Fall Festival, we extend an invitation to everyone who can, to please come by, if only for a little while.  Your presence will make a difference as we attempt to put “UNITY” back into our Community. 

There will be event prizes (door prizes). The grand prize is a color flat screen television set. Any one can qualify to win however you must register and be present at the drawing to win. 

If you desire more information please call 601-445-5995 or 601-431- 4385.

Rev. John Scott, Jr. is pastor of Christian Hope Baptist Church.