Now that primary is over, clean up signs

Published 12:01 am Wednesday, August 7, 2019

Primary election day is behind us.

Many good candidates put their hats into the ring and now the field has been narrowed.

Any undecided races will be settled in the Aug. 27 runoff and the winners will progress to the Nov. 5 general election.

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We are blessed that so many people were willing to put themselves out there to be considered for the many offices that are up for grabs in Adams County as well as district and statewide races.

Our system of government of the people, by the people and for the people needs good citizens who are willing to put themselves up for consideration for those jobs.

And, for the most part, the candidates ran good, clean races, and we trust the best candidates prevailed.

Now, however, the first leg of the elections is over.

Therefore, we urge candidates who are no longer in the running for either the Aug. 27 party primary runoffs or the Nov. 5 general election, to remove their campaign signs from roadways and public rights of way.

It would be a shame to see many of those signs still up before the Aug. 27 runoffs, much less the Nov. 5 general election for candidates who are no longer in the running.

If you supported a particular candidate who is no longer in the running please help them by removing your campaign signs.

Then we can move forward to the runoffs and on to the general election.

Congratulations to the winners and best of luck to those who are still contenders.

May the best candidates win.