Sheriff commends deputies for running into burning building

Published 12:01 am Thursday, April 19, 2018


NATCHEZ — Sheriff Travis Patten commended three deputies Monday for their efforts to save lives in Adams County.

Patten called deputies Stephen Karabelen, Kevin Bailey and Hayden Newman to the Adams County Board of Supervisors meeting Monday.

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“They didn’t know why I called them,” Patten said, smiling at the meeting. “I wanted to give these guys something to let them know we appreciate them.”

Karabelen and Bailey responded on April 3 to a house fire on Gaylor Road.

The residence was in flames, but the deputies went inside the house several times in an attempt to save a woman trapped inside.

Though Artiemese Harris-Frye later died from smoke inhalation she suffered during the fire, Patten said the officers worked diligently and passionately to save her life.

“They ran into a burning house, no mask on, smoke barreling everywhere,” Patten said. “These guys, they did what they were supposed to do and what they were hired to do. Their heroic actions will be remembered on this day.”

Karabelen and Bailey received treatment for smoke inhalation from the fire, but both made a full recovery, Patten said.

The officers received an award for their efforts, and Patten surprised them both by promoting each of them to the rank of corporal.

Patten said both deputies have demonstrated exemplary work in their time with the sheriff’s office.

“I want to give honor and praise to God for allowing me to be here and giving me this opportunity, and I also want to thank Sheriff Patten for blessing me with this promotion,” Bailey said. “I just pray that the Lord works within me.”

Karabelen, too, stepped forward to say a few words to the supervisors.

“I want to dedicate this to Artiemese Harris-Frye,” Karabelen said. “That’s what this is all about. We were just doing our job.”

In addition to commending and promoting the two officers who responded to the fire, Patten also honored deputy Hayden Newman, who has only been a deputy for the sheriff’s office for two weeks.

Recently, Patten said, Newman responded to a report of a person experiencing cardiac arrest, and performed CPR until an ambulance could arrive.

Though no details about the victim could be released for privacy reasons, Patten said Newman saved the person’s life.

Patten said this incident was one of Newman’s first calls as a deputy with the Adams County Sheriff’s Office, and that Newman had saved the person’s life with his work.

Newman received a pin and a certificate for his life-saving work, and Patten said he was sure Newman’s future with the sheriff’s office was bright.

“We got an asset when we got these three young men,” Patten said. “That’s for sure.”