Natchez firefighters, Kingston volunteer firefighters and Lake Montrose volunteer firefighters work on extinguishing a house fire at a home on Lake Montrose Road in 2018. (Democrat file photo)
Firefighters look at what is left of Angel Froust’s home after a house fire occurred Wednesday in Natchez. (Nicole Hester / The Natchez Democrat)
(Nicole Hester / The Natchez Democrat)
A firefighter examines a piece of what was the side of Angel Froust’s home after a house fire occurred Wednesday on Lake Montrose Road in Natchez. (Nicole Hester / The Natchez Democrat)
Firefighters walk through and examine the home Angel Froust’s was renting after a house fire occurred Wednesday on Lake Montrose Road in Natchez.
Captain Joe Garity works with other firefighters on extinguishing a house fire that occurred Wednesday at Angel Froust’s home on Lake Montrose Road in Natchez. (Nicole Hester / The Natchez Democrat)
Natchez firefighters, Kingston volunteer firefighters and Lake Montrose volunteer firefighters work on extinguishing a house fire that occurred Wednesday at Angel Froust’s home on Lake Montrose Road in Natchez. (Nicole Hester / The Natchez Democrat)
(Nicole Hester / The Natchez Democrat)