Come to reconciliation meeting

Published 12:00 am Tuesday, October 3, 2017

October is Racial Reconciliation Celebration month in Mississippi.

At today’s Mission Mississippi racial reconciliation lunch meeting from 11:45 a.m. to 1 p.m at Natchez Children Services, we will have a report of exciting happenings from the Sept. 26 Mission Mississippi Racial Reconciliation Celebration in Jackson that was attended by Natchez locals Beverly Adams, Debbie Hudson, Helen Smith and Kathleen Bond.

The workshop’s focus was “What is the church’s role in connecting generations racially from a Biblical perspective?”

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There were many interesting ideas and observations from the more than 200 people in attendance, including students from at least four universities. Here is a sample:

4Be the voice & the change you want to see in your church

4Partner with another church and make a plan

4Confess that division is a problem

4Know and accept who we are and who others are

4Realize our ancestors passed along both good and evil

4Listen to young people

4Fear not — the trials to come are important

4Be aware of the movement of the Holy Spirit

4Racism is taught — it is an ongoing generational curse

4Value diversity, not just tolerance

4Pastors need to own their part in the solution

4Model Christ-like love

4Look beyond black/white binary

4We have more in common than we realize

4Get out of your comfort zone

4Have an open mind for different thoughts

4Opinions based in culture bring disunity

4Reach out, not in

4Forgive the mistakes of the past

4Meet people at their point of need —  hurt and disease know no color

4Peel back the skin that seems to show differences — we are all the same below

Workshop attendee Debbie Hudson added, “We have to have the faith that God is helping us figure out the best course of action He wants us to take and implement.  To me all the suggestions given by the participants can become overwhelming unless we know our limits and through prayer listen to what God puts on our hearts. Then our mission can be limitless by not counting on our own wisdom or vision but that of the help we seek from God.”

How can you “celebrate” reconciliation?

Be intentional — building relationships with someone of another race.

Be creative — plan a family friendly activity and invite friends and neighbors of different races to participate.

Be prayerful — hold a prayer vigil/worship rally for racial reconciliation in your community.

Be respectful — honor an unsung hero in your community who has done great work to improve race relations in your area.

Be supportive — attend your local monthly gathering or make a donation to Mission Mississippi to continue the efforts in Rethinking Racial Reconciliation within the Body of Christ. Visit www. for more information.

Today’s lunch meeting will also begin to make plans for our Natchez group for the upcoming year — including monthly meeting times and places. All are welcome.

For more information call me at 601-431-8052.
Kathleen Bond is a Natchez resident.