Monterey man faces child porn charges

Published 12:24 am Friday, September 29, 2017

VIDALIA — A Monterey man who was arrested last week on more than 50 charges of theft, forgery and abuse of a monetary instrument, was charged this week with pornography involving juveniles.

Concordia Parish Sheriff’s Office Chief Deputy David Hedrick said an officer found more than 40 images of prepubescent girls on the computer confiscated from Kory Brent Crouch, 35, 1958 Louisisana 908, following his arrest.

The images did not appear to  be of local children, Hedrick said.

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Last week Detective Phillip Smith arrested Crouch after a family member reported that Crouch had stolen a checkbook and forged more than $15,000 on the account.

Crouch was still in jail on previous charges as of 1 p.m. Thursday with no bond set.