Sariah Bowman dressed as an astronaut for the start of Vidalia Lower Elementary Accelerated Reading program Friday in Nikki Tyson’s second grade class.(Nicole Hester | The Natchez Democrat)
Lyric Craft dressed as an astronaut. Craft is in Nikki Tyson’s second-grade class. (Nicole Hester | The Natchez Democrat)
Kenley Wilson stands in front of the cubbies.(Nicole Hester | The Natchez Democrat)
Cambree Theriot pulls a briefcase out of her backpack to complete her look as the first female president in Amy Mason’s Pre-K classroom Friday. Students dressed according to theme “Reading takes you places.” Students dressed up as what they want to be when they grow up. (Nicole Hester | The Natchez Democrat)
Carmen Escamilla dressed as a nurse for the start of Vidalia Lower Elementary Accelerated Reading program Friday in Amy Mason’s Pre-K classroom. (Nicole Hester | The Natchez Democrat)