Vidalia municipal codes to be online

Published 12:13 am Sunday, August 13, 2017


VIDALIA — Vidalia aldermen approved Tuesday implementing a program that would put the town’s municipal codes online.

The board had previously approved the deal with Municode, and on Tuesday approved executing the agreement. The municipal codes should go online Wednesday, after public notice is printed.

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A link to the codes will appear on Vidalia’s website,

The Municode service fee cost $8,000. Vidalia will pay $300 per year storage and each change made to codes going forward would cost $20.

Town Manager Bill Murray said Tuesday the codes were ready to go online as soon as aldermen approved it, but town attorney George Murray said first the public notice would have to be printed.

George Murray said the soonest that could be done was Wednesday, since the deadline for the previous week’s newspaper had already passed.

Aldermen approved the request unanimously.

Bill Murray has said the Municode system will allow residents to more conveniently study the town’s code, since it would be available online. Residents would still have the opportunity to view hard copies of the codes at town hall, Murray said.