Mississippi crime reports: Monday, April 3, 2017

Published 12:00 am Monday, April 3, 2017

Natchez Police Department

Arrests — Sunday

Alexander Miller, 19, 25A Pond Meadow Drive, on charges of profanity and drunkenness in public. Released on bond.

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Travis T. White, 34, No. 9 Spring St., on a charge of simple robbery. No bond set.

Arrests — Saturday

Crystal D. Robinson, 31, 103 Riviera Drive, Slidell, LA, on a charge of aggravated assualt domestic violence. Released on bond set at $100,000.

Reports — Sunday

Assisting motorist on Seargent S. Prentiss Drive.

Reports — Saturday

Disturbance on Dixie Drive.

Burglary alarm on Saint Catherine Street.

Investigate suspicious subject on Melrose-Montebello Parkway.

Stalking on Ford Street.

Ten reports of improper parking on Seargent S. Prentiss Drive.

Assisting motorist on John R. Junkin Drive.

Traffic stop on Glenwood Drive.

Three burglary alarms on D’Evereux Drive.

Three reports of assisting motorist on Seargent S. Prentiss Drive.

Simple assault on Smith Street.

Abandoned vehicle on Brenham Avenue.

Assisting motorist on Montebello Drive.

Two domestic problems on Lafayette Street.

Burglary alarm on South Canal Street.

Speeding violation on Simmons Street.

Investigate suspicious subject on Franklin Street.

Traffic stop on Commerce Street.

Traffic stop on Roselawn Drive.

Traffic stop on Live Oak Drive.

Traffic stop on Jefferson Davis Boulevard.

Harassment on Elm Street.

Stand-by on Orange Avenue.

Traffic stop on North Wall Street.

Aggravated assault on Seargent S. Prentiss Drive.

Two reports of improper parking on U.S. 61.

Dog case on South Canal Street.

Accident on South Canal Street.

Funeral escort on Summerfield Place.

Burglary alarm on Pearl Street.

Three burglary alarms on Ravenna Lane.

Traffic stop on Orange Avenue.

Traffic stop on Franklin Street.

Speeding violation on Eastwood Road.

Accident on Wood Avenue.

Stand-by on Louisiana Avenue.

Domestic problem on John R. Junkin Drive.

Loud music on Sgt. Henry L. Brown Drive.

Dog case on Roth Hill Road.

Malicious mischief on Ram Circle.

Intelligence report at Duncan Park.

Traffic stop on Old Taylors Lane.

Three traffic stops on U.S. 61.

Speeding violation on Martin Luther King Jr. Street.

Harassment on Alabama Street.

Intelligence report on Madison Street.

Improper parking on Wood Avenue.

Improper parking on D’Evereux Drive.

Traffic stop on Martin Luther King Jr. Street.

Traffic stop on D’Evereux Drive.

Traffic stop on Vaughn Drive.

Accident on Franklin Street.

Traffic stop on Seargent S. Prentiss Drive.

Traffic stop on Pilgrim Boulevard.

Improper parking on Martin Luther King Jr. Street.

School traffic control on Lumber Street.

Malicious mischief on Orange Avenue.

Burglary alarm on Birdwood Drive.

Intoxicated pedestrian on Linton Avenue.

Traffic stop on Maple Street.

Speeding violation on John R. Junkin Drive.

Traffic stop on South Canal Street.

Public relations call on St. Catherine Street.

Stand-by on Ouachita Street.

Loud music on T. Waring Bennett Jr. Road.

Fight in progress on D’Evereux Drive.

Investigate suspicious subject on Pilgrim Boulevard.

Burglary on Rankin Street.

Civil disturbance on Dumas Drive.

Prowler on Auburn Avenue.

Loud music on North Commerce Street.

Investigate suspicious subject on Brightwood Avenue.

Harassment on West Stiers Lane.

Loitering on Old Washington Road.

Reports — Friday

Traffic stop on Triumph Lane.

Traffic stop on Seargent S. Prentiss Drive.

Adams County Sheriff’s Office

No arrests

Reports — Saturday

Intelligence report on U.S. 61.

Accident on Saragossa Road.

Intoxicated driver on Saragossa Road.

Two accidents on U.S. 61.

Alarm on U.S. 61.

Accident on Broadmoor Drive.

Property damage on Broadmoor Drive.

Accident on Foster Mound Road.

Traffic stop on North Palestine Road.

Alarm on Spokane Road.

Traffic stop on Jeanette Road.

Alarm on Eagle Nest Road.

Disturbance on Ingram Circle.

Alarm on Foster Mound Road.

Assisting motorist on U.S. 61.

Malicious mischief on Gadwall Court.

Patrolling area on Cloverdale Road.

Warrant on State Street.

Accident on Violet Lane.

Intoxicated driver on Sedgefield Road.

Accident on Roth Hill Road.

Intelligence report on Country Club Drive.

Intelligence report on Dixie Drive.


Natchez Fire Department

No reports.