Waste Pro will pick up Christmas trees on curb — in pieces

Published 1:43 am Thursday, December 29, 2016


NATCHEZ — With Christmas morning now a pleasant memory for many, a problem still remains in removing the decorations, which may include a real tree.

Natchez Public Works Supervisor Justin Dollar said he was not aware of any recycling options, but Waste Pro will pick up Christmas trees curbside.

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“Whatever day they are scheduled for your area, they will pick them up,” Dollar said.

Waste Pro Municipal Marketer Doug Atkins said the disposal agency would also pick up trees curbside in Ferriday, Concordia Parish and Adams County to haul to the company’s landfill. Atkins said the tree could be no taller than 4 foot for pickup.

“So, if you have an 8 foot tree, cut it in half,” he said.

Atkins said the company does not have cut-off date for picking up trees.

In Vidalia, which has a municipal garbage pickup service, Mayor Buz Craft said the town would pick them up as is if placed on the curbside. He said, however, municipal waste crews seldom actually see the trees.

“Most of the time they are being recycled by a fisherman picking them up to make an artificial habitat for fish,” he said. “If you put them out there, they will get picked up one way or the other.”