(2016 File photo | The Natchez Democrat)
David Eanses, Billy Sutton and Chris Vaughan look at Charles Tucker’s Boeing 1940 PT-17 Saturday at the Experimental Aircraft Association Chapter 912 Fly-In at the Concordia Parish Airport. The style of aircraft was used in the Army Air Corps in WWII to train primary pilots. This plane in particular was used to train the Women Airforce Service Pilots in Sweetwater,Texas.
Charles Tucker flies his plane Saturday. (Nicole Hester / The Natchez Democrat)
Charles Yates flies a Cessna 150 over Vidalia during a 2016 fly-In at Concordia Parish Airport. (File photo | The Natchez Democrat)
Charles Yates flies a Cessna 150 over Vidalia during a fly-In Saturday at Concordia Parish Airport. (Nicole Hester / The Natchez Democrat)
Jai Upchurch, 7, and Gaven Allen 6, watch the planes take off and land at Saturday's fly-In at Concorida Parish Airport. (Nicole Hester / The Natchez Democrat)
(Nicole Hester / The Natchez Democrat)