Savannah Grace Baldwin, 2, chases bubbles in front of her family's Ferrari during the Euro Fest auto show Saturday in Natchez.
Everett Meaders, 2, checks out a Mercedes-Benz at this weekend's Euro Fest auto show on the bluff Saturday in Natchez.
The annual Euro Fest car show is a favorite of fans large and small. (file photo)
Two Rolls Royce cars sit on display at this Saturday's Euro Fest auto show.
Two Roll-Royce cars sit on the bluff at the Natchez Euro Fest. (File photo | The Natchez Democrat)
A British Austin Healy sits parked on the bluff during this weekend's Euro Fest auto show Saturday in Natchez.
A hat sits inside an Austin Healy on display at the bluff during this weekend's Euro Fest car show Saturday in Natchez.
Clay Johnston of Mt. Olive sits in his MGB at this weekend's Euro Fest auto show Saturday in Natchez.