Get in spirit with Victorian Luncheon

Published 12:24 am Wednesday, December 2, 2015

Every Natchezian down in Natchez liked Christmas a lot,

and the members of the Garden Club were planning like they ought!

The ladies loved Christmas! The whole Christmas season!

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Now, please don’t ask why. No one quite knows the reason.

It could be that the rest of the holidays just weren’t quite right.

It could be, perhaps, that Victorian Luncheon was quite the sight.

But I think that the most likely reason of all,

May have been that the Soup and Casserole sale has goodies for all.

But, whatever the reason, the lunch or the soups,

On Victorian Luncheon Eve, they gathered their groups!


Staring throughout Magnolia Hall, no one had a frown,

With the warm lighted candles that welcomed the town.

For they knew every Natchezian around Natchez beneath,

As busy now, hanging a mistletoe wreath.

“And they’re hanging their stockings!” they screamed with cheer.

“Tomorrow is Victorian Luncheon! It’s practically here!”


Then they gathered around with their fingers nervously drumming,

“We must find a way to keep the guests coming!”

For, tomorrow, they knew all the Natchez gents and ladies,

Would wake up bright and early. They’d rush for those gravies!

Then the Natchezians, young and old, would sit down to a feast.

And they’d feast! And they’d feast!

And they’d feast, feast, feast, feast!

They would start on pudding and then to corn chowder,

Which was something the Garden Club was mighty proud of!


And then, they’d do something they loved most of all!

Every Natchezian down in Natchez, the tall and the small,

Would stand close together, with Christmas bells ringing.

They’d stand hand-in-hand, and the Natchezians would start singing!

They’d sing! And they’d sing!

And they’d sing, sing, sing, sing!


And the more the Garden Club thought of the Natchez-Christmas-Sing,

The more the ladies thought, “We must plan this whole thing!”

“Why for years and years we’ve planned it out! Now,

we must finish our Christmas decorations, but how? But how?”

Then they got an idea! A wonderful idea!

“I know just what to do!” the ladies yelled with great joy.

And they decorated a quick tree for all to enjoy.


Somehow or other, Victorian Luncheon came just the same!

And the Garden Club ladies, who had wished for snow,

Stood smiling and smiling: “How could it be so?

They came for the soups! They came for the freezer filled bags!

They came for the casseroles and sandwiches to snag!”

And they hosted for hours ‘till their tootsies were sore.

Then the ladies thought of something they hadn’t before!

“Maybe Christmas,” they thought,

“doesn’t come from a store.”

“Maybe Christmas, perhaps, means a little bit more!”

And what happened then?

Well, in Natchez they say that the Natchezians had lunch and

filled their freezers that day!

Come on over the Magnolia Hall at 215 South Pearl St. at 11:30 a.m. Thursday, to join in the fun of the Natchez Garden Club’s annual Victorian Luncheon and soup and casserole sale! Tickets will be sold at the door for $15 per person. The frozen treats will be priced $20 for large casseroles, $12 for small casseroles, $10 for quarts of soup, and $5 for pints of soup. Merry Christmas to all!

Jennie Guido is the publicity chairman for the Natchez Garden Club.