Faith and Family: Local finds niche in music, performing

Published 12:01 am Saturday, July 11, 2015

By Morgan Mizell

NATCHEZ — For Taylor Spring, music has always been a part of her life and she hopes to continue letting her God-given talent guide her.

Taylor Spring smiles backstage at the Natchez Little Theater. Her next performance will be at the theatre’s summer youth workshop production, “Disney Jr’s Peter Pan,” (Morgan Mizell / The Natchez Democrat)

Taylor Spring smiles backstage at the Natchez Little Theater. Her next performance will be at the theatre’s summer youth workshop production, “Disney Jr’s Peter Pan,” (Morgan Mizell / The Natchez Democrat)

“I don’t really recall my introduction to music,” Spring said. “My mom told me she would put earphones on her belly when she was pregnant with me. I think it has just always been in my life.”

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Her first performance, at age 7, left her hungry for more.

“I was in a choir, but I was not supposed to be the soloist,” Spring said. “Someone couldn’t make it, and I filled her spot, and it was amazing. I saw a little lady in the front row smiling at me as I sang, and I was hooked.”

Spring has been performing vocally, here and there, since that time. As any artist does, she decided to expand her talent.

“I started playing the guitar at 15,” she said. “I expressed interest in the guitar to my mom and she wanted to make sure it was something I was going to stick with before she went out and bought an expensive instrument.”

That year, Spring got a basic guitar for Christmas.

“My father had his old guitar, which I really wanted, but it needed work,” Spring said. “I kept playing my guitar until one day, I came home to find dad’s guitar, re-strung and fixed up for me. I have been playing it ever since.”

The signature of Country artist, Keith Urban, only seemed to make it cooler. Spring spent a lot of time watching videos of guitarists online and picking notes by ear. Today, she plays in several local venues.

Having auditioned for American Idol, five times, Spring continues to keep a positive attitude about her goals.

“You just gotta keep trying,” she said. “I recently auditioned for this season, but I was not selected. It is sad because it is their last season.”

Disappointed or not, Spring still sees opportunity for her music.

“I have been let down by not being chosen, but it will not make me give up. In fact, it makes me try harder,” Spring said. “I will keep trying to get out there and perform because I feel it is what God has put in me to do. I trust he will place me where I need to be no matter if it is in front of millions, or in front of a class of students.”

Spring, who has worked in the nursery, and as a pre-school teacher at Jefferson Street Methodist Church, will attend Co-Lin this fall.

“I think I want to pursue a degree in music education,” Spring said. “It is the perfect combination of my two passions – music and children.”

While she has not figured out all of the details, she is excited to think about a future where she can have both things she truly loves. She looks to pursue a Master’s degree in her field of study.

“I have learned a lot working alongside my mom, Angela, at Jefferson Street,” she said. “I think taking the time off from school to get a little experience has been beneficial to me. I have learned so much.”

While in school here, Spring will continue to play locally and perform when and where she can. She is currently saving up to buy a new guitar and perhaps record a CD in the near future.

“I will keep getting out there and doing what I love as long as they will have me,” Spring said. “I think people have to get over the idea of being famous and just keep pushing, even if people are telling them no. No is the door you knock on and no one answers, but it doesn’t mean you stop trying doors.”

Spring can next be seen, aside from her one woman show about town, in Natchez Little Theatre’s Summer Youth Workshop production, “Disney Jr’s Peter Pan,” Friday, July 24 through Sunday, July 26.