Exercise your right to vote Aug. 4

Published 12:01 am Tuesday, June 16, 2015

During elections, the topic of voter turnout is always a major concern for candidates. Voter turnout in previous Adams County elections has been disappointing to say the least. During the last election, only 40 percent of registered Adams County voters made it to the polls to cast their ballots, and Concordia Parish fared only slightly better with half of their parish voting.

Memorial Day with American flags proudly waving over veterans’ graves reminded me of the thousands of American soldiers who paid the ultimate sacrifice to protect our freedom — including the right to vote. I believe that it is our patriotic duty to vote in elections, and I find it difficult to understand how so many ignore their right to vote.

In a previous career, I worked in numerous countries, including 16 years in a communist country where freedom is something that everyone wants, but few realize in their lifetime. When you have witnessed the lack of freedom and human rights in other countries, you tend to appreciate the rights and freedoms that we enjoy in the U.S. Can you imagine your children growing up in a country where free will is suppressed, and the government influences every stage of their life?

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As proud American citizens, we should not take our rights for granted, especially the right to vote for the candidate of your choice. I hope that every resident of Adams County will think red, white and blue on election day, Aug. 4 and do the patriotic thing: Vote!

There are a number of crucial offices up for election on Election Day. Every citizen of Adams County should be involved in this election process.

Take the time now to learn about each candidate and their qualifications so that you can make an educated decision on Aug. 4. Determine what each candidate has to offer for the position he/she is seeking, what improvements do they intend to make, and how will they achieve their goals?

Ask yourself the following questions:

Am I satisfied with the performance of the incumbent running for re-election?

What are his/her achievements since the last election?

How has the incumbents’ office influenced our community as a whole since the last election?

If you are not satisfied with the incumbent candidate, be sure to study the new candidates to determine what each has to offer in terms of qualifications and experience, then ask what improvements do they intend to make, and how will they achieve their goals.

There are three candidates running for sheriff on the Democratic ticket on Aug. 4. The incumbent sheriff has indicated that he is running on his record “Crime is down in Adams County.”

In fact, crime is down in Adams County. However, it should be noted that crime is down across the United States. The FBI Semiannual Uniform Crime Report lists overall declines in violent crime and property crimes in 2014. This report is from a sampling of 11,009 law enforcement agencies across the States.

A second candidate with 30 years of experience at the sheriff’s office is running on a platform of “New Vision and New Direction” with a commitment to a real “Open Door” policy, to stop wasteful spending, improve working relationships between the sheriff’s office and other law enforcement and government agencies, and to become more involved with the youth of our community with a number of programs targeted for schools and the youth of our community.

A third candidate with limited law enforcement experience is likely to garner a small percentage of votes, and will split votes from another candidate.

If you have friends or relatives working for the Adams County Sheriff’s Office, you are already aware that this office is in dire need of change, and will give careful consideration before casting your vote. Regardless of your choice of candidates, please think red, white and blue, and exercise your right to vote on Aug. 4.

Talk with your neighbors and encourage them to vote. Offer a neighbor a ride to the polls if needed. Visit with any elderly neighbors and help those unable to travel vote with an absentee ballot no later than 12:30 p.m., Aug. 1.

Encourage our first-time young voters to go to the polls and exercise their civic duty by voting. They are our future and must be involved in the election process. Let’s do everything possible to achieve a higher voter turnout during the upcoming election on Aug. 4.

Think red, white and blue and vote.


Ed Tucker is an Adams County resident.