You won’t want to miss this reunion

Published 12:01 am Sunday, April 12, 2015

Based on the overwhelming and unprecedented success of the 2014 Reunion of the 1960s, featuring the Dance of the Decades, the dedicated planning committee, made up of individuals from the Natchez and Cathedral High School classes of 1960 through 1969 has regrouped itself to bring us a second reunions.

No doubt you have caught the buzz.

Testaments to its success are endless. We want you to know, however, none came close to the simple facts that Johnny Rodriguez sprang out of his wheel chair and Gatored. Maybe this year, you yourself might be the one to throw off a crutch or test your hip replacement and hit the hardwood floor yourself.

Email newsletter signup

The committee has again booked what is probably the most memorable landmark of the good times had by thousands while growing up in Natchez, the City Auditorium. And it has booked the regionally known and locally adored rock and roll band, Easy Eddie and the Party Rockers. Don’t hang up your rock and roll shoes just yet, Ethel.

Mark it down. It’s Saturday, May 23. To give us all more time to visit, snack and imbibe before dancing, it will begin at 6 p.m. on the grounds of the auditorium. Music starts at 8 p.m.

The committee is asking you to help locate lost, misplaced or missing in general classmates. If you have siblings, aunts, uncles, cousins, friends or parents who came along during this time who have not yet been notified, it is because we do not have their contact information. We are imploring you please to pass along this information to them and if you have any contact information at all, please call my number at the bottom of this message.

Each class has emailed a notification to its members, including an attachment of the registration form. May we respectfully encourage you to fill it out and send it in by the end of this month?

Registration is $50 a person and includes the dance and assorted finger food. Cash bar stands will be conveniently located on the premises. Class members are encouraged to invite classmates from different decades at the same price. Simply indicate their names and attach a check.

Each class is on its own for get togethers Friday and Sunday.

I am Nicky Myers, proud member of the class of 1961, the last class to leave old Natchez High School on Homochitto Street, and I strongly encourage you to sign up and sign on and get ready for some old fashioned Natchez fun in our favorite venue, the City Auditorium.

If you want more information, please leave a voice message on our ’60s reunion clearinghouse number: 601-442-1866. Say your name, the year of the class you are calling about and your telephone number. Your class contact will get the message and respond to you.

Nick Myers is a Natchez resident representing the Natchez Class of 1961.