Do you know a Caring Woman?

Published 12:01 am Friday, March 6, 2015

Natchez Community Hospital and Natchez Regional Medical Center are proud and honored to jointly sponsor the 2105 Caring Women Recognition.

This year will be the 7th that we have had the pleasure of recognizing, honoring and celebrating the women in our community who are making a difference in the lives of others each and every day.

We have said it before, but it is worth repeating, today’s Caring Women don’t come in cookie-cutter shapes, colors, ages or sizes. They are, however, blessed with special gifts and characteristics that set them apart from others. They also share one commonality: each one lives a quiet life filled with compassion and service that touches and inspires others.

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They are also mothers, grandmothers and great grandmothers, sisters, daughters, cousins and friends. They are single, married, career oriented and volunteers. Leading ordinary lives of selfless service, they are simply women who put others first and go out of their way to help those less fortunate. While they can’t be defined by a simple definition, one thing is certain. Caring Women are exceptional women who have made an outstanding contribution to our community or through service to others. They have inspired hope in others through their actions.

I would like to personally invite you to nominate a caring woman in one of the following categories:

– Leadership — one who inspires others to take action for a common good.

– Perseverance — one who has overcome personal adversity.

– Mentor — one who serves as a role model to encourage others.

– Volunteer — one who invests in helping others.

– Defender — one who champions the cause of a disadvantaged person or group.

– Promise — a young woman 16-21 years old who demonstrates the potential to become a Caring Woman.

A celebration luncheon and awards ceremony for all nominees, as well as their nominators will be held on Thursday, May 7. All nominees will be recognized and one extraordinary woman in each category will be selected as Natchez Community Hospital/Natchez Regional Medical Center’s 2015 Caring Woman.

Hard copies of the registration form are available at both hospitals at the information desk. Nominations can also be made electronically on and

Deadline for nominations is April 9, 2015 and only the first 100 nominations will be considered.

Won’t you take a few minutes and think of the women in your businesses, churches, schools and civic organizations who have made a difference to you and those around you, and share them with us and the rest of the community? Nominate a Caring Woman today.


Eric Robinson is chief executive officer of Natchez Community Hospital and Natchez Regional Medical Center.