Trinity ECW hosts bridge luncheon

Published 12:00 am Tuesday, February 10, 2015

The Episcopal Church Women (ECW) is hosting a bridge luncheon from 11:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Wednesday in the Kuehnle Hall, which is located next to Trinity Episcopal Church, 305 S. Commerce St.

Men are invited to attend as well as the ladies.

A delicious lunch is being prepared by the ECW ladies including homemade soup, sandwiches and wonderful desserts.

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Those that do not play bridge can get a group together for lunch only. And those who cannot attend are encouraged to make a donation to the ECW, which uses the money for mission work and outreach programs in Natchez and elsewhere.

This event joins other ECW activities that raise money for outreach programs.

Local charities supported by ECW are Natchez Community Stewpot, which provides hot meals for the needy; Pleasant Acres Day School, which provides services for those with disabilities; Habitat for Humanities, which helps provide new housing for the needy; and Trinity Episcopal Day School, a parochial school founded by Trinity Episcopal Church.

National and international charities supported by the ECW include: Children at Risk, an international program focusing on health, education, nature and transportation for children; scholarships for Panama school children in partnership with the Episcopal Diocese of Panama; and Global Charities, the Panama Medical Mission, which provides medicine and hygiene products for children in Panama; the ECW Jericho Road House in New Orleans, an Episcopal Housing Initiative; the United Offering and the Church Periodical Club.

United Thank Offering donations are sent to the state (Diocesan) UTO chairman, who in turn sends offerings to the national UTO office of the Episcopal Church. There the money is joined by donations from Episcopal churches nationwide.

“Members of the Trinity Episcopal Churchwomen are diverse, multi-talented Christian women serving Christ in our families, parishes and larger communities,” said Cyndy Stevens, co-chairman of the ECW. “Through prayer, worship, communication and nurturing, we respond to God’s call to serve.”

For reservations call Jeanette Warren, 601-445-9880.

Donations are tax-deductible at $25 per person or $100 for a table of four. Additional donations may be sent to ECW, Trinity Episcopal Church, 305 S. Commerce St., Natchez, MS 39120.

We look forward to seeing you Wednesday.


Pam Harriss is a member of the Episcopal Church Women.