Pilgrimage right around the corner

Published 12:05 am Sunday, January 4, 2015

Merry (belated) Christmas, and happy 2015 to all.

With a New Year upon us and the annual Pilgrimage right around the corner, join the members of the Natchez Garden Club for this educational meeting to get back into the swing of things before a busy spring.

For members of the garden club’s executive board, we will be meeting at 10 a.m. Wednesday at Ellicott Hall.

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At 11 a.m. Thursday, the members of the Natchez Garden Club will meet on business, which will be followed by a program by Ruth and Tom Pullen on creating your own bird sanctuaries at home.

This month’s meeting will also take place at Ellicott Hall, which is located on the corner of Canal and Jefferson streets on top of the hill.

Living on several wooded acres west of Byram, Ruth and Tom Pullen both have a background in ecology.

Since moving to Mississippi in the 1980s, both have become members of the Mississippi Ornithologival Society, where Tom serves as president.

During their presentation, the Pullens will help us to transform our yards, gardens and homes into better habitats and sanctuaries for birds, for our enjoyment and for a love of bird watching.

After this educational presentation, lunch will be served to our guests.

This month’s cost for lunch will be $12, and guests will need to reserve their spot for the meal by Tuesday.

Please call the Garden Club office to make this reservation by calling 601-443-9065.

Don’t forget that we are still collecting items for our two important community projects.

Be sure you bring personal hygiene items for the Guardian Shelter.

Also, bring pre-packaged cookies to donate to the Stew Pot to help highlight lunches with a little something sweet.

Giving back to the community is important after the hustle and bustle of the holidays.

As always, follow us on Twitter, find us on Facebook, pin us on Pinterest, and visit our website natchezgardenclub.org for more information about all of our past and upcoming events.

We look forward to seeing everyone in the New Year and hope to have you join us at our monthly meetings.

We have a filled spring of many events that will help fill your social calendar and teach you a thing or two along the way.


Jennie Guido is the publicity chairman for the Natchez Garden Club.