Where is Obama’s transparency?

Published 12:00 am Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Transparency was one of President Obama’s key points before being elected and even in his first days in office. The American people would know what the administration would be planning and have a voice in the evolvement of policy and key bills. Has this happened? You decide.

Let’s target health care, the overriding question and the national debate as to what’s in the various bills presented and voted on in the Congress to date and what’s in the “new” bills being formulated behind closed doors by only Democrat senators and representatives.

Does anyone know what is in these bills? When the original bills were presented, which were 1,000 pages or more, the Democrat representatives said they would vote on the bills even without reading them or understanding what was in them, let alone letting the American people know what was in them.

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So, a few people did read the bills, and the word got out to the American people that there would be committees set up by the government to provide end of life policies for all elderly Americans who had health problems, and these committees would provide euthanizing services for the unfortunate aged.

Well, this is just grand for the government. The could knock off the elderly without their extended medical costs over a period of year, saving billions of dollars for Medicare. And, oh yes, it would also save billions of Social Security payments to the elderly.

This is such a good idea that the new health bill, if enacted, could declare that anyone who has retired and been given his Social Security benefits could be put onto the government’s Euthanize List and be visited by the Government Death Committee right off the bat.

When this word got out, old folks naturally got mad and our Senators and Representatives, at least some of them, heard about their ire in town hall meetings across the country. Now those provisions have been denied by the Democrats and we are told they will not be in the “new” bills. So what are in the new bills?

No one knows. The Democrats are deciding what they will have in the “new” bills behind closed doors and no one will know because the bills haven’t been written yet. But when the bills are written, they, too, will be over 1,000 pages and none of the Democrat Senators and Representatives will have read the bills, but they will vote on them anyway because President Obama wants it passed by Thanksgiving!

They will be spending you money and mine, actually our children’s money too.

You will see that the final bills will be theoretically non-deficit for the first year. But every auditing agency of the government and private agencies will state that the actual deficits over the next 10 years will be huge, into the trillions of dollars.

This added to the more than $100 trillion now owed by the government or the $389,000 presently owed by every citizen of America should maybe make us all pause to consider what is actually happening in Washington with our Democratic administration.

Where is the promised transparency? Why aren’t we being invited to participate in the evolvement of this important legislation as well as the others, such as the global warming that doesn’t exist but which will cost everyone large expensive fuel bills, enlarge the federal deficit some more, create rampant unemployment and subject our laws to those of the United Nations if the Copenhagen Agreement is signed by our President.

Why are we not invited to that table as well?

Well, why should we worry about all that? Let our children worry about that, or our grandchildren.

After all, our government is trashing the dollar now so it can pay back the trillions in worthless dollars in just a few years. This is the ultimate plan.

And with the trashing of the dollar, what will you do, the American citizen with fixed Social Security and pension plans and savings.

You will lose all of it to hyper-inflation, the real government plan. At that point, will you not want to have the government death committee call on you to proved their “services?”

Andrew Peabody is a Natchez resident.