Photo feature: Too cool to be hot
Published 12:01 am Tuesday, October 16, 2012
Three- and 4-year-old students crowd around firefighter Tyron Griffin Monday morning to look at all of the gear he has to carry when fighting fires. Area fire officials like to show students what a firefighter looks like in his gear so that they will not be scared of them if they see them during a fire.
Area AJFC Head Start children visited the Natchez Fire Department’s Central Fire Station on Main Street Monday to get a few lessons in fire prevention from those who know most about fire.
AJFC Head Start student Samiah Glass looked almost like a pro Monday morning when she took the fire hose from fire fighter Eddie Hawkins hands. Glass and her classmates had the chance to see all of the equipment fire fighters use in the event of a fire.
Students are reflected in the shiny bumper of one of the fire department’s fire trucks Monday morning.