United Way finds strength in numbers

Published 12:00 am Tuesday, October 26, 1999

It has been said that there is strength in numbers. A clich\u00E9? Yes. But that’s because it’s true.

It’s a phrase that has special application to the United Way of the Greater Miss-Lou. It describes what it takes to raise enough money to help fund the 26 agencies that depend on the United Way to make a difference in our community.

While a penny or a dime, even a quarter or dollar won’t buy you much these days – if we all put our pennies together there is almost no limit to what we can accomplish.

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That’s an easy thing to say, a harder thing to do.

In the day and age of two-income families and family budgets that don’t balance, it’s easy to forget to help your neighbor.

And for those with a car payment and a mortgage, raising $315,000 seems like a daunting task – at least if would if you were trying to raise the funds alone.

Fortunately, the United Way has each of us to help it succeed in its mission.

So far, the agency has received $114,561 in pledges. It is well on its way, but it can’t succeed without you.

The United Way and the agencies it supports depend on corporations and individuals for funding and United Way representatives are working feverishly, sending letters and making on-site visits, to make sure the entire community has the opportunity to take part in this year’s fundraising campaign.

We urge you not to ignore the letters. Sort through the junk mail and toss the sweepstakes entries, but when you receive a letter from the United Way, take the time to read it and consider your role in helping our community.

The United Way’s slogan is &uot;The Power of U.&uot; It’s an apt saying because the agency cannot accomplish its goal alone.

They need all of our help.

So get out those pennies, dimes, nickels, quarters, dollars and even your checkbook and help the United Way help your neighbors. They are depending on you.