Beatty leads drive to collect uniforms, supplies for needy children

Published 12:00 am Friday, August 18, 2000

FERRIDAY, La. – Working as a clerk at Ferriday’s Town Hall is not Shannon Beatty’s only job these days.

And although she does not get paid for it, Beatty said that organizing a school uniform and school supply drive for local children has its rewards.

&uot;I just love helping these people,&uot; Beatty said Thursday. &uot;There’s such a great need for this type of thing.

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&uot;For example, one parent just found out that while her child would have been going to Concordia Head Start, he will now be attending Ferriday Lower Elementary and will need a uniform, and she can’t afford it,&uot; she added.

Used uniforms are being dropped off at James Cleaners and Ferriday Town Hall – in some cases, large garbage bags full of them, she said.

In addition, City Cleaners and James Cleaners have volunteered to clean the clothes, and Rushing Boots is placing school logos on the shirts. She is also asking local businesses to &uot;adopt&uot; students by buying their uniforms and, if requested, school supplies. As of Thursday, needy families had turned in 25 applications to receive uniforms.

Any clothing that is left over after the uniforms are distributed this week – Concordia public school start Monday – will be given to the schools to distribute, Beatty said.

Beatty said she had been working on coordinating the uniform drive until 11 p.m. some nights. &uot;That is, until my husband said it was time to get some sleep,&uot; she said, laughing.

But she said she does not mind putting extra work into the drive because &uot;I’m a parent, too, so I know where they’re coming from. Uniforms can get expensive.&uot;

Beatty also gave area businesses fair warning. &uot;If I haven’t knocked your door yet asking you to adopt a child, I&160;probably will.&uot;