BRIGHT FUTURE: NHS senior drawing his future

Published 12:14 am Thursday, June 28, 2012

LAUREN WOOD / THE NATCHEZ DEMOCRAT — Deontré Terrell, 17, a rising senior at Natchez High School, said he is always doodling in his notebook and has had a knack for art since he was very young. Terrell sits here with two of his hand-drawn pieces he did in his art class this past school year.


The Natchez Democrat

NATCHEZ — Whether he is doodling in a notebook or doing an art class assignment, there is no doubt that 17-year-old Deontre Terrell has a gift for drawing, and his classmates and teachers are taking note.

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“I hope someone sees (his art) and guides him in the right direction,” Natchez-Adams School District teacher Janice Davis said.

Terrell has been drawing since he can remember, and he suspects his talent was inherited from his mother, Shaunequa Terrell, who is also an artist but never pursued her talents. Now, Terrell said he wants to live this dream for his mother.

Terrell usually goes about his artwork, which includes pen and ink drawings, mixed media and painting, bit by bit. Big jobs take him approximately two to three weeks to complete.

Terrell has been perfecting his talents all his life with the help of art teachers, Cassandra Gales and Coach Joseph Johnson.

Johnson is the art and photography teacher at Natchez High. Johnson said Terrell is one of a few students that is just blessed with talent. Terrell’s creativity stands out the most to Johnson, who said Terrell sees things differently than the average student. When he draws something, it captures the attention of the audience, Johnson said.

Johnson said he would still like to see Terrell slow down, have a little more thought, and pay closer attention to details.

LAUREN WOOD / THE NATCHEZ DEMOCRAT — Terrell has been looking at different colleges where he can study art, including Santa Fe University.

“All I know is Coach Johnson,” Terrell said. “I don’t really look at other people’s artwork because, I don’t want to adapt to theirs.”

Terrell went on to say he wants his own style of drawing and looking at others might cause him to mimic their work a little.

Terrell said his strength is drawing with pen and ink. He hasn’t mastered cartoons yet, but he is working on it, he said. Buildings and people are what he enjoys drawing the most, because he likes to capture reality.

Davis said she was extremely impressed with Terrell’s artwork because of the math skills and symmetry it requires.

But Terrell focuses on more than his art. Academics are a key focus, and he was recently selected for membership in the National Society of High School Scholars.

Terrell wants to attend either Santa Fe University of Art and Design in New Mexico or California College of the Arts in Oakland.

Johnson said he encourages his students to believe their dreams in the art world can be possible, but still stresses that they should have a backup plan.

Terrell said he believes he can go far with this skill and likes to show off his talents.

“It’s me, I want everyone to know. I don’t want to hold it in,” Terrell said.