Recalling the ancient art of ice trays …

Published 12:00 am Friday, September 17, 2004

Finally, last week the move was made to the rental house. We are living with lots of boxes that I am refusing to unpack. After I gave the big lecture about &uot;do not unpack anything you can live without because it will just take forever to repack it&uot; I was the one who went in the kitchen and began whining. How on earth am I going to cook with two saucepans and two frying pans, never mind all the other accessories I usually have to help me along? Oddly enough I have discovered that with a sharp knife and those few things there is very little I cannot prepare, makes me wonder what exactly is stored in all those many boxes marked kitchen.

The first night in our house found me in the kitchen lecturing my three on the use of ice trays. Since I didn’t know for sure where we would be moving from this house, I rented a refrigerator, only it didn’t come with an icemaker. While explaining to the two oldest that leaving half empty ice trays in the freezer would guarantee sending mom over the edge, I noticed Emily had a perplexed look on her face. On further investigation Holly, Matthew and I found ourselves cracking up. Emily had no idea what an ice tray was or why I was placing a bowl in the freezer for ice. Talk about a reality check: She has never lived in a house that didn’t have an ice maker in it. We got her oriented to the &uot;olden&uot; days and managed to settle in.

One bright spot last week in our move was Matthew coming in second in the City Junior Championship golf tournament. He did a great job and I was very proud of him. Coming in first was his friend, classmate and Cathedral golf teammate, Jordan Farmer, and taking the girls trophy was friend, classmate and Cathedral golf teammate, Mary Kate Byrne. Hats off to each of you for a job well done on the two hottest days of the summer so far.

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And as if the move wasn’t enough last week, Holly and Matthew both had their wisdom teeth out on Friday. After his were out and he was in the recovery area, Matthew managed to serenade the entire office with his snoring. And I would have to say that watching the two little assistants pour him into a wheelchair and then into my car was the highlight of the trip. As for Holly, she is still hurting and a little swollen, but mostly she is just mad. True to form, Matthew was fine the next day. He even took his little sister to La Fiesta on Saturday night and ate salsa and chips, while big sister is still favoring mashed potatoes and chicken noodle soup. I could have told her that not much was going to stand in the way of Matthew and his food.

Christina Hall

can be reached at
