Legislature just needs to take action

Published 12:00 am Tuesday, May 17, 2005

Oh, just shut up and do something. We have had it with the back and forth among legislators and the governor on Medicaid.

Wednesday &045; just two days shy of the program running out of funds completely &045; Attorney General Jim Hood jumped in with a proposed solution. He says the state could borrow another $100 million to keep Medicaid afloat until a permanent solution is found.

The legality of that move is apparently still in doubt, but either way it still creates another problem for the state. How much further in debt do we need to get?

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The program is essential, and there are solutions on the table to make Medicaid solvent &045; among them a cigarette tax or borrowing from the state’s tobacco trust fund.

It’s high time for legislators to put up or shut up and get something done before thousands of Mississippians lose their health care.