Men need to take responsibility too

Published 12:01 am Tuesday, February 21, 2012

I’m writing in response to Mr. Ed Field’s letter on Feb. 17. First of all, teen pregnancy is not a disease. You don’t catch it; it’s a moral issue, but we won’t even go there. Abstinence doesn’t work because it’s a moral decision.

You mentioned a 10-year-old getting pregnant like that was the girl’s fault, who was the guy that got her that way? He had to be older than her and probably knew what he was doing and didn’t care or it would never have happened! It’s time for you men to step up and take responsibility and not expect the girl to take the “pill” which could jeopardize her adult health by disturbing her body’s natural function. How much easier can it be than to put on a condom?

Yes, the girl gets pregnant, wrecking her chances for having a normal life for her and her child while the boy runs around like a feral cat making more babies and taking responsibility for nothing.

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Why does the girl always have to throw herself on the sword? Take responsibility for yourself.

Diane Holland

Natchez resident