Published 12:00 am Saturday, August 19, 2006
win MPA awards
BILOXI &8212; The Natchez Democrat won 32 awards Saturday at the annual Mississippi Press Association conference, including general excellence.
This marks the third consecutive year The Democrat has one first place in the overall excellence category. The conference is held annually and includes papers from across the state.
The paper won nine first place awards including:
Best design
Best general news story &8212;
Julie Finley
Best graphic &8212;
Ben Hillyer
Best headline
Best planned series of stories &8212; Hillyer
Best feature story &8212;
Kerry Whipple
Best sports feature photo &8212; Hillyer
Other awards include:
Best sports action photo &8212; Hillyer, third place
Best feature photo &8212; Hiller, second place and third place; Barbara Gerard Kaiser, honorable mention
Best pictorial series &8212; Molly Dempsey, first place
Best picture-story combination &8212; Hillyer and Finley, second place
Best general news photograph &8212;
Marcie McDowell
, second place
Best spot news photo &8212;Hillyer, second place
Best front page &8212; The Natchez Democrat, third place
Best editorials &8212; Bean, third place
Best sports section &8212;
Adam Daigle
, first place
Best special section &8212; The Democrat, second place
Best graphic &8212; Hillyer, second and third place
Best spot news story &8212;
Nita McCann
, second place; Bean, Christian Schmidt and McCann, third place
Best indepth/investigative coverage &8212; Finley, second place
Best planned series of stories &8212; Finley, second place
Best general interest column &8212; Finley, second place
Best commentary column &8212; Bean, third place
Best sports news story &8212; Daigle, third place
Best sports feature &8212; Daigle, second place
Best feature story &8212;
Joan Gandy
, second place
Best lifestyles page or section &8212; The Democrat, second place