Ferriday considering bingo halls

Published 12:14 pm Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Two businessmen from Tallulah proposed an ordinance at Tuesday’s aldermen meeting that would allow for the creation of a bingo hall in Ferriday.

Nonprofit organizations could use the proposed hall to raise funds, Darryl Ellerbee said.

Ellerbee and attorney Edwin Moberly said they hope to buy a building in Ferriday and turn it into a bingo hall.

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Under the plan, 45 percent of profits from both live bingo and electronic bingo would go toward whatever nonprofit was managing a particular six-hour session. After that, 30 percent would go to the partnership and 25 percent would go to the Town of Ferriday.

“We think this is the ideal place for it,” Ellerbee said. “And there will be security at the bingo hall all the time, and there will be no alcohol or loitering allowed.”

Also, no one under 18 would be allowed in, he said.

Such a bingo hall would be a feature that might stop people passing through the town and entice them to stay, he said.

Louisiana state law specifically regulates bingo halls, Moberly said.

“It’s nothing like video poker,” he said.

He said he had been working with the board attorney to come up with the proposed ordinance.

“This money is put back into the community,” Moberly said. “Also, we’ll take a rundown building and fix it up.”

Alderman Johnnie Brown said he wanted to hear the downside, too.

“There are always two sides to every story,” Brown said.

Ellerbee said any potential negatives with the project was solely on his and Moberly’s shoulders.

“There is no downside to nonprofits or to the city,” Moberly said. “The risk is or us who would own and maintain the facility.”

A public hearing will be held at the next board of aldermen meeting to discuss the ordinance.

Also at the meeting:

4After what Mayor Gene Allen said were repeated attempts to finalize the deal with a company, the board voted to rescind the motion to buy an aerator for the wastewater treatment facility.

4The board approved $2,000 in funding for the Delta Music Museum’s upcoming music festival.

4The board voted to advertise to get quotes for road repair material.

4The board voted to replace a wrecked police car and buy a new one whether or not they received expected grant money that could be put toward that use.

4The board voted to get quotes for new telephone systems for town hall and the police department.