‘The Color Purple’ coming to Natchez
Published 11:53 pm Thursday, September 27, 2007
I vow that you won’t have to board a plane to New York City to go on Broadway to see the hit musical, “The Color Purple,” because G.D.Q. Playwright Productions prepares to fulfill that majestic dream right here in the beautiful city of Natchez, and that is to bring the Broadway musical, “The Color Purple,” to our local stage.
So, if you’ve been anticipating acting on stage, singing, or even if you are a musician, playing such instruments as keyboards, woodwind, drums, sax, etc., and would like to become a part of our musical staff, then this is your opportunity to make a great start.
After writing such plays as “Passion Of The Cross,” “If Lovin’ Him Is Wrong,” “Don’t Drive Yo’ Mama Away,” “I Told The Storm,” in addition to several others I have been approached by many people to bring the musical “The Color Purple” to the stage. They just didn’t know at the time that it was a work already in progress.
I finished reading the novel, written by author Alice Walker, after which I had written the play. Therefore now preparing to bring it to the stage. As I read Alice Walker’s novel a while ago, I immediately understood it would be a powerful, ongoing force in my life, as I believe this musical will be for others. The experience of knowledge that was gained by embracing this book had touched me so deeply. Courage, redemption, love and hope – I learned so much from this story.
Nearly a year after I discovered the book, I felt the opportunity had presented itself to bring this version to life and on stage. This is my ultimate dream. What’s astounding to me is how unique each version of “The Color Purple” is. But our play will be true and powerful to the original. We want everyone on the stage, behind the scenes, and in the audience to experience and bare witness to something extraordinary, transcendent, and uplifting.
We take this method to extend a casting call for anyone wanting to share in the experience, in the upcoming stage play musical “The Color Purple.” Actors/actresses, singers, musician/keyboard players, and other musicians.
The casts for calls for 20 females (ages ranging from 25 through 55), 17 males (ages ranging from 18 through 45) and eight youths (ages ranging from 12 through 17). There are singing roles for several of the youths. There are singing roles for several of the adult casts as well.
So if you’re ready to act, sing, be creative, play musical instruments, and are not ashamed to release your inner acting abilities and just simply ready to have fun on stage please call 601-807-3357 or 601-442-2271 for details and to sign up.
By becoming involved with this playwright ministry, you will receive the opportunity to travel, showcase your creativity, excellence, hard work, and incredible commitment that can be captured by others. You will make yourself so proud to know that your participation in this musical will reach a new generation of audiences. I invite you to share the experience with us, the directors, writers and producers.
We pray and hope that this experience will become a powerful force in your life as it has become in ours. Until we meet, may God continue to bless you in abundance. To contact, e-mail vickwoo6@aol.com.
Vickie Green is CEO and founder of G.D.Q. Playwright Productions.