Take some time to learn about gov’t

Published 12:01 am Tuesday, January 15, 2008

If you think the global economy doesn’t affect you, you might need to climb out from beneath that rock once in a while.

Years ago, such economic isolation may have been possible, but not anymore. Today, the world is smaller, much, much smaller.

Most of us have felt the increases in normal living costs — gasoline, a loaf of bread, a gallon of milk, etc.

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But we don’t often think of how one small change in economic policy or an economic surge in one area can affect us all.

From last year’s minimum wage increases — and the next phase of increase that is slated to go into effect in July — to rising corn costs, we’re all feeling the impact.

Don’t just complain about it, take some time to understand what’s behind some of these price increases.

We complain about $3 per gallon gasoline, but what have we done to reduce consumption?

Do we understand where our tax dollars are being spent?

The questions could go on for a while, but the point is that knowledge is power.

Our nation is deep into the heart of the presidential campaign season. But how many of us have paid enough attention to the debates and the news coverage to understand what each candidate stands for economically?

We have two choices: get informed and make a wise decision come Election Day or lift up that rock and lie down for a nap.