Festival of Music impact is great

Published 12:00 am Sunday, May 18, 2008

First, I want to thank The Democrat for the extensive coverage of the Natches Festival of Music. It is very appreciated.

The economic impact of the festival is complex and challenging to communicate accurately.

In an article Friday, May 16, the writer likely did her best but she misunderstood an important matter.

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The festival spends $65,000 to $70,000 annually in local salaries and local purchases at local businesses. A far greater economic impact is generated from the tourism dollars brought into the local economy, the expenditures of the performers who reside here for a month, plus the local discretionary spending by residents who buy tickets, dine and entertain for the festival.

Although an economic impact analysis has not been performed, the amount of money that is attributable to the Natchez festival is far greater than what was represented.

Liz Dantone,

Board Member, Natchez Festival of Music