Parents, your children need you

Published 12:53 am Sunday, June 8, 2008

In today’s world there is domestic violence, robberies, murder; you name it. But there are some people who are willing to take a stand.

School is out now and these crimes are about to get higher. I’m talking about kids with nothing to do over the summer. The obvious problem is that if children are left unsupervised this summer they could get into trouble — or worse.

And the obvious solutions are right in front of us.

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Volunteer work, summer programs, vacation Bible school, these programs would give these children something to do. And you parents can do it with them. I guess what I’m trying to say is that parents, your children need you this summer.

I know you have to work, but if you just spend a little time with them, like, to talk with them or do projects with them, I’m sure it would make a world of difference.

And don’t forget about the children with special needs.

The reason I’m writing this letter is that I’ve read the articles of crime reports and seen news reports about children and crime, and it is staggering to the point of heartbreaking.

And I’m making a plea to parents, relatives and to all families — help your children.

Georgia Hayes

Natchez resident