Be alert behind wheel

Published 12:36 pm Sunday, September 8, 2024

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More than a few drivers in recent days are lucky — no, blessed to be alive after accidents that could have indeed ended very badly.

Sunday morning, a man apparently fell asleep at the wheel and crashed into a fence on Foster Mound Road, which sent a 2-by-6 through the windshield that hit the driver in the head. He sustained injuries but is expected to live.

In another incident early Tuesday, a 17-year-old fortunately walked away from a crash that reduced the vehicle to scrap metal on Upper Kingston Road.

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What happened to them could happen to anyone— even the best drivers, especially during those early morning or late evening work or home commutes.

Have you ever driven to one of those daily destinations, parked and then suddenly realized you don’t remember the trip because your mind was off somewhere else the entire time?

We all have.

Even if the dangers of winding, curving roads or loose gravel are too familiar and navigating them become second nature, other hazards could still pop up that muscle memory can’t recall.

Deer could suddenly emerge from the woods or — heaven forbid — one could be caught off guard by another driver or pedestrian. A tree might’ve fallen in the roadway overnight that no one has had the chance to clear.

One can never be too careful. Behind the wheel is not the time to daydream, even if that’s the most relaxing place to unwind with expectations of work or family weighing on you at your destination.

It’s moments like these that we suddenly become more aware of our own mortality.

When we think we have years left, it could all be gone in an instant after one small mistake.

Thank God he sent angels to watch over these drivers so that they could continue living, a little shaken perhaps but still alive.