Changing the Game: The Impact of Technology on the User Experience of Online Video Gaming

Published 2:02 pm Thursday, August 15, 2024

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Online gaming has seen considerable change, especially over the past decade. The games that were published at the beginning of the millennia are a far cry from the games that are played today. With an increase of 9.8% in online gaming on a digital scale, it is safe to say that you’ve likely encountered far more digitally advanced online games than ever before. The face behind these changes? Advanced technology.

The user experience is the most important aspect of any online game. You’ve surely noticed how the experience you have with online games is far better than the one you had a mere year or two ago. The reason for this is that online games use as much advanced technology to make your gaming experience as pleasurable as possible. There are a few main areas that impact the user experience most and these are game safety, gaming variety and immersive experiences for players, which is what this article hopes to shed more light on.

Safety Measures Have Upped the Ante of Video Gaming User Experiences

One of the most pivotal moments in video gaming was the moment advanced security measures were introduced into the game. So many different safety features have now been included in games, which is something that you should be happy about because it makes your online gameplay safer.

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Safety is really important, as when you’re playing online, you share quite a lot of sensitive data. Just think about the very first step of signing up for a new game, you enter your email address and your password. This information needs to stay safe. Your email address is personal data so having security features embedded in platforms and data protection laws around the incorrect usage of personal data has made playing online a lot more fun. You can even engage with online casinos that take safety and anonymity to the next level like 99Bitcoins online casinos without kyc, which allow you to play without requiring ID verification, no details needed. This is a huge safety feature for you as a player and one that you should be extremely grateful to advanced technology for.

Speaking of safety, the nice thing about online games is that they have to run through a regulatory or commission board. This keeps you as a player safe, as the digital game has to go through a few steps before being allowed to share the game with you and other players. It’s a nice step and one that can only be implemented because of advanced technology. The Internet used to be a place that was filled with unregulated spots but with improved software technologies, regulatory bodies have far better control over games and their release, meaning that as a player, you can look forward to extra-safe gaming pleasures.

Gaming Variety At Its Finest

Now, on to something more exciting, the variety of games you have at your disposal. Again, thanks to technology and in particular, thanks to gaming and software developers, there are so many different games and special features within those games, that are now available to players worldwide.

As a player, you know that the most boring thing about your online gaming experience is the fact that you’ve played most of the games a million times over. You typically find one game that you really enjoy, you struggle to find any other that lives up to that game and then you eventually get bored, as you’ve just played it so many times over.

Now, this is where advanced gaming technology comes in. Nowadays, players never have to be bored. Yes, they might find their most played game slightly boring eventually and that’s normal but the interesting thing is that there are now twenty other similar games waiting for them, so there is never a moment where you as a player should ever feel a lull.

Beyond the variety of games, it’s also important to notice the quality of features and tools within those games. Gaming developers have worked extra hard to create state-of-the-art features and tools, that are actually useful to players, making their online experience so much more enjoyable than ever. Plus, the consoles and stations that you use to engage with games, such as the newest PS5 are also highly advanced, meaning that the consoles and stations can actually keep up with your commands. Back in the day, lagging time was normal but today it’s much easier for players to have a seamless and fast-paced experience. Sounds like a win for you, doesn’t it?

The Rise of Artificial Intelligence and Virtual Reality

Artificial intelligence (AI) and virtual reality (VR) will enable you to have a far more immersive experience than ever. The way that you engage with games has a huge significance on your user experience. If you can log into a game and have it intuitively change and think with you, you’ll likely want to come back to the game, as it’s not boring. This would be thanks to AI in your life.

The same goes for virtual reality (VR). By simply popping on a set of VR headsets, you can be transported into the game. Suddenly it’s not the consoles controlling the players but it’s you as a person controlling how everything moves with your own limbs – truly revolutionary.