Order Friday’s lunch ahead of time and support good causes

Published 1:48 pm Wednesday, June 5, 2024

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NATCHEZ — Better than a red kettle, there is a fundraiser happening now benefiting the Salvation Army and it sounds tasty.

The Antioch Missionary Baptist Association of Natchez has joined forces with the Salvation Army and is selling grilled chicken plates to raise money to support its services and programs for local residents.

Fundraiser organizer Linda Gooden said plates will be distributed Friday, June 7, from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. at 710 Beulah St., or the Beulah Missionary Baptist Church lot down the hill facing Cathedral School.

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Plates will also be delivered to businesses in the Miss Lou area that have five or more orders, she said.

Gooden said the association will be cooking up 1,000 plates for sale. Other fundraising events of this nature have happened in the past, but this is the first since the pandemic, she said.

Each plate contains barbeque grilled chicken, baked beans, garden salad, a roll and dessert. Tickets are $12 each and should be ordered in advance.

Contact Gooden at 601-597-1243 or email ltgooden@yahoo.com for more information or to order. To give to the Salvation Army directly, visit give.salvationarmyalm.org.