Proposed Natchez Animal Control Ordinance

Published 8:08 pm Friday, October 25, 2019

Below is a copy of the proposed animal control ordinance the City of Natchez is considering adopting.



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Adopted, this the ______ day of ______________, 20____by the Mayor and Board of Aldermen




  2. The office and position of animal control officer falls within the jurisdiction of the police department of the city. The animal control officer shall investigate violations of this ordinance based on personal observations and complaints filed by observations by others to determine the factual validity of such complaints.


  1. Such office shall be filled by appointment by the mayor and board of aldermen, and each of the persons filling such offices shall serve at the will and pleasure of the mayor and board of aldermen.


  1. The animal control officer shall enforce this ordinance, as amended from time to time, reference to which is made for all purposes. The animal control officer shall have the power to enforce all City ordinances and State laws regulating animals and shall have the power to issue notices and legal citations returnable to the municipal court of the city and to pursue and file criminal affidavits for the violation of such ordinances or laws. The form of notices and citations shall be approved by the judge of the municipal court. The animal control officer shall not affect a physical arrest of a violator for whom an arrest warrant has been issued. Only a sworn police officer can affect an arrest bases on a warrant or personal observation.



The office and position of animal control officer falls within the jurisdiction of the DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS of the city. The animal control officer shall investigate violations of this ordinance based on personal observations and complaints filed by observations by others to determine the factual validity of such complaints




The following words, terms and phrases, when used in this chapter, shall have the meanings ascribed to them in this section, except where the context clearly indicates a different meaning.

  1. “Cat” means a domesticated feline species of animal. CURRENTLY: “Male or female member of the feline—-“


  1. “Dog” means a domesticated canine species of animal. CURRENTLY: “Male or female member of the canine—-“


  1. “Notice” means oral notification by telephone or written notice left at the usual place of abode by the animal control officer or by the city police department setting forth that the owner’s dog or cat has been taken up and setting forth therein a brief description of the dog or cat and the name of the owner, if known.


  1. “Owner” means not only the actual owner of a dog, but the person having the control and custody of the dog. If the dog is owned by a minor, the word “owner” shall mean either the parents or guardian or person having the custody and control of such minor.




  1. “Inhumane Treatment” shall mean any treatment which deprives an animal of food, water, essential grooming, exercise, a clean environment, veterinary care and protection from weather, and any treatment to include but not limited to, loading, overworking, tormenting, beating, mutilating, poisoning, long term tethering or staking or abnormal treatments as may be determined by an authorized Health Officer or an authorized Animal Control Officer, Law Enforcement Officer, or a Representative of a State Registered non-profit humane society. Such violations shall be charged under Mississippi State Title 97. Crimes. Chapter 41. Cruelty to Animals. Title 97. Crimes. Chapter 29. Crimes Against Public Morals and Decency. In General. No person within the city except a licensed veterinarian shall crop a dog’s ears or perform any other surgical procedure upon a dog.


  1. “Shelter” is defined as a recognizable dog house for canines that protects from heat, cold, strong winds, rain, and is not subject to standing water, or muck.



  1. The owners of all animals within the city are required to keep the animals within suitable enclosures and are further required to keep the enclosures sanitary and clean to prevent illness or injury, disagreeable odors arising therefrom, or the presence or breeding of flies, mosquitoes and other pests.


  1. It shall be unlawful for the owner of any animals to permit the animals to create a disturbance in the neighborhood or to destroy property in the neighborhood or annoy any person or family, or to otherwise become a nuisance in any manner, particularly by reasons of noises, odors, filthy conditions, destruction of property, tearing of garbage bags, scattering of refuse or the breeding of flies, mosquitoes and other pests. Courtesy tickets, warnings or other notice followed by subsequent written citations by the animal control officer shall create a rebuttable presumption as to the violation of this subsection.
  2. The owners of all animals within the city are required to remove any feces deposited by such owner’s animal on public or private property. Feces deposited by an animal upon public property or upon the private property of any person other than such animal’s owner shall be collected and removed at once by such animal’s owner. Animal feces deposited upon any other property shall be collected and removed daily. Collection and removal of animal feces shall be in a container of such a type that, when closed, is rat proof and fly tight. Such container shall be kept closed after each collection. At least once a week, each such animal owner shall cause all feces collected to be disposed of in such a way as not to permit fly breeding.


  1. Mississippi law dictates all cats or dogs must be vaccinated for rabies when the animal is 3 months old and thereafter as required by the state board of health. If the owner fails to do so, he/she can be charged with a misdemeanor punishable by a fine. It is the duty of the owner to secure the rabies tag to the pet’s collar and each pet owned by or in the possession of any person within the state of Mississippi shall wear at all times a collar or other device which shall have securely bradded on to it the metal tag provided for above. Any such tag shall not be transferable to any dog/cat other than the dog/cat for which it was issued.


CURRENT: “Within seven days the rightful owner of any dog held by the impounder may, provided the dog has been vaccinated and tagged as required by this chapter or by law——” “If an unvaccinated dog is impounded, it shall be disposed of pursuant to MCA 1972, Section 41-53-11, and charges shall be preferred against the owner thereof for failing to comply with the provisions of state law requiring rabies vaccination”.




                                                           AMENDMENT BY ADDITION

  1. Fighting Animals
  2. It shall be unlawful to train for fighting, keep, harbor, breed, transport through the City limits, own or in any way possess an animal for the purpose of fighting exhibitions, displays, training or Scars and wounds on the animal are rebuttable evidence that the animal is a fighting animal or is trained for fighting. For the purpose of this Section, fight training shall include, but not be limited to:
    1. The use or possession of treadmills, unless under the direction of a veterinarian;
    2. Actions designed to torment, badger or bait any animal for the purpose of encouraging the animal to fight;
    3. The use of weights on the animal unless under the direction of a veterinarian;
    4. Any activity designed for the purpose of training or encouraging the animal for aggression or vicious activity;
    5. Use of heavy chains, weights or staking in such a way as to build neck strength or jaw strength.


  1. Roadside and other animal sales

It shall be unlawful for any person to engage in selling animals, including dogs, puppies, cats, kittens, snakes and birds by the roadside or in parking lots even with the express permission of the owners of said parking lots.


  • Abandonment

It shall be unlawful to abandon animals.



It shall be unlawful to willfully or through negligence poison any animal.



It shall be unlawful to leave an animal in an unattended vehicle when such action    is reasonably potentially harmful to the animal.


  2. It shall be unlawful for the owner or other person having in his or her possession or under his or her control, within the limits of the City, to cause or permit any dog animal to be at large in the city. Dogs running at large at any place in the city where they are not on leash or under immediate control of some person may be taken by officers of the city and placed in the dog pound and may be pursued and captured on any public or private property within the city limits.


  1. If any dog bites or attempts to bite any person while such animal is at large, then such animal shall be conclusively presumed to be a dangerous animal and an animal of dangerous tendencies.


  1. If any dog attacks or attempts to attack any other animal while such animal is at large, or chases or otherwise attempts to catch a person, then such animal shall be conclusively presumed to be a vicious animal and to have vicious tendencies.


  1. If any dog at large overturns a securely covered garbage container or removes any garbage from any such securely covered container, then such animal shall be conclusively presumed to be a mischievous animal.


  1. Whenever any vicious dog or one that has previously bitten any person is kept upon any premises, it shall be confined in a secure enclosure, consisting of a securely enclosed and locked pen or structure, suitable to prevent the entry or proximity of young children. All humane necessities as outlined elsewhere in this ordinance shall be provided. It shall be the duty of the keeper and of the owner of the dog to post a notice conspicuous to the public at each entrance to such premises reading in large letters, “BEWARE OF DOG.”



  1. Liability insurance
  2. The caretaker of a vicious dog shall maintain, in full force and effect, a liability insurance policy of $500,000 for personal injury or death of any person resulting from an attack of such dog. If the caretaker or keeper of the dangerous dog is a minor, the parent or guardian of such minor shall be liable for all injuries and property damage sustained by any person or domestic animal caused by an unprovoked attack by such animal.
  3. Destruction of dangerous, vicious dogs. Any dangerous or vicious dog found at large after the owner thereof has previous knowledge or notice that such animal is dangerous or vicious may be killed by any animal control officer of the city without such officer having to catch or impound such animal.


  1. It shall be unlawful for any person to keep any livestock within the city, except that the Mississippi Department of Agriculture has ruled that pot-bellied pigs are pets and are subject to the same municipal regulations as dogs and cats.


  1. Fowl running at large. It shall be unlawful for any owner of chickens and other fowl to permit such chickens and other fowl to run at large upon the streets and other public places of the city.


  1. Exception: Livestock kept in the City prior to the adoption of this ordinance shall be allowed to remain until they expire or are otherwise disposed of, with the provisions that a permit is obtained for said livestock; the premises upon which they are kept are a minimum of 300 feet from any occupied neighboring residence; and the premises are subject to random inspection by the animal control officer to ensure that the conditions are dry, with adequate shelter, food and water and free of odor.



It shall be unlawful for any person or owner of cattle, horses, mules or other livestock of any description to permit such livestock to run at large within the corporate limits of the city.




  2. It shall be unlawful for any person to place and/or leave any carcass of any dead animal or fowl of any kind in any street, alley or sewer or ditch of the city or upon any public or private premises or land within the city.


  1. Dead animals weighing less than 100 pounds shall be removed and disposed of at a permitted landfill.


  1. It shall be the job of the City animal control officer or the street department to remove such carcasses.


  1. The city shall not remove dead animals of any size from places of business which treat, handle, butcher or dispose of animals.


  1. In no event shall a dead animal be allowed to remain undisposed of for a period of time longer than 12 hours.



It shall be the duty of the owner or persons who harbor any animal and all practicing         veterinarians to report to the county health officer all cases of rabies with which he       or she comes in contact or to which his or her attention has been directed. This report shall

be made immediately upon diagnosis or suspicion of such cases of rabies.




  2. Any dog that is restrained by a tether must be exercised and only be restrained for a period of time not to exceed 8 hours.


  1. The dog may not be tethered in a manner that results, or could reasonably result, in the dog becoming entangled in the restraint or other object.


  1. If there are multiple dogs tethered, each dog must be on a separate tether and not secured to the same fixed point or be spaced where they may entangle.


  1. The tether must be a minimum of ten feet in length, allowing the dog to sit, stand, and lie comfortably without the restraint becoming taut and allow the dog a range of movement.


  1. A dog may not be tethered if the dog is ill, suffering from a debilitating disease, injured, impaired, aged, in distress, under six months of age, in advanced stages of pregnancy, or a female in season (in heat), or is subject to attack by other animals.


  1. A tethered dog must have access to clean water that is not heated by the sun, or frozen.


  1. A tethered dog must have access to shelter of a sufficient structure, safe materials, and size to protect the dog form wind, rain, hail, snow, cold, heat, and sun (structure may not be in direct sunlight as the sun will overheat a dog house), that has dry bedding in inclement weather to permit a dog to remain dry and reasonably clean and to maintain a normal body temperature. The shelter and water container must be constructed or secured to prevent the shelter or water container from tipping or being moved beyond the comfortable reach of the dog.


  1. A dog may not be tethered in a manner that results in the dog being left in unsanitary conditions which force the dog to be exposed to excrement, urine, mud, debris, or unsanitary or dangerous materials.


  1. A dog may not be tethered by means of a choke, pinch, slip, halter, or prong collar, or by any means such as electric cable, wire, or other hazardous means. The collar must have adequate space between the collar and the throat to allow normal breathing and swallowing in whatever position the dog may be in.


  1. The weight of the tether shall not unreasonably inhibit the free movement of the dog within the area allowed by the length of the tether or be of a weight that could cause damage to the dog’s vertebrae. Heavy chains are prohibited as tethers.


  1. The provisions of subsection (A.) of this section do not apply to a dog who is:
  2. Tethered while receiving medical care or treatment by a licensed veterinarian or is being groomed except that the collar or tether must be humanely applied.
  3. Is actively participating in an exhibition, show, contest, or other legal event in which skill, breeding, or stamina of the dog is judged or examined except that the collar or tether must be humanely applied.
  4. Being actively trained by a federal, state, or local law enforcement agency, military, or National Guard unit except that the collar or tether be humanely applied.


  1. Each incident involving a violation of this section shall be a separate offense. A person who violates this section is subject to the following penalties:
  2. A first offense shall result in a correction warning being issued requiring the offense to be corrected by the person who owns, keeps, or controls the dog within 48 hours, unless the offense poses an immediate risk to the health or safety of the dog or the dog has been injured as a result of the offense.
  3. A second offense or failure to comply with the first offense warning will result in the removal of the dogs by the responding animal control officer, law enforcement officer, or agent of the city or the county and a violation of this ordinance shall be a $100 – $500 fine unless it is determined that the violation was intended as punishment or intended cruelty to the dog for which the violation shall be prosecuted under the applicable state anti-cruelty to animals statute.



  1. Trap, Neuter, Release (TNR) means the process of humanely trapping, sterilizing, vaccinating for rabies, ear tipping community cats and returning them to their original


  1. Community Cat Program

The City of Natchez adopts the Community Cat Program. TNR is the preferred method for controlling the community cat population through the Community Cat Program. The Mississippi Spay & Neuter Natchez TNR Program shall prioritize community cats for TNR as the preferred outcome for community cats. As funding permits, it is the goal of the City that all community cats be sterilized, ear tipped, vaccinated and returned in accordance with the TNR process. All community cats may be managed and maintained by a community cat caregiver. Any caregiver must provide a community cat with food, water and adequate shelter.


In certain circumstances, community cats may be humanely trapped and relocated to a pre­-approved farm or barn where adequate food, water and shelter are provided.


Trapping of free roaming or community cats is permitted only for the purpose of TNR unless the cat is injured, medical care is required, or the cat is targeted for the Barn Cat program.


An ear tipped cat received by animal control or a Shelter shall be returned to the location where the cat was trapped, unless veterinary care is required. If shelter has been provided by persons within the Community Cate program, it shall remain in place and not be tampered with.





No dogs or cats shall be permitted to be and remain within the corporate limits of the city unless owner thereof shall have complied with all of the provisions of this chapter.



The custody, care and control of a dog or cat within the corporate limits of the city by a person shall be prima facie evidence that such person is the owner of such dog, or cat. The general reputation in the neighborhood that a certain person is the owner of a dog or cat shall be prima facie evidence that such person is the owner of the dog or cat.





All dogs and cats in the City of Natchez must either be spayed or neutered. There are a few exemptions to this ordinance:

  1. Dogs and cats under six (6) months of age;
  2. Dogs and cats unable to be spayed/neutered for health reasons (as verified by a licensed veterinarian);
  3. Show/Competition cats or dogs with owners holding a valid Breeding/Unaltered Animal permit (See Section VI below);
  4. Owners holding a valid Breeding/Unaltered Animal Permit (see Section VI below);
  5. Dogs and cats for adoption at Natchez Adams County Humane Society.




It shall be unlawful for any person other than the owner to alter or remove any tags placed upon any dog as provided for by this chapter or by law.




  1. Dogs Running at Large

It shall be unlawful for the owner of any dog to permit the dog to run at large in the city. It shall be the duty of the animal control officer to pick up any dog found running at large in the city, and to impound the same in an enclosure kept for that purpose to be provided and maintained by the city, which may include a facility maintained by The Natchez-Adams County Humane Society or a third party on a case by case basis. Such dog shall be kept by the impounder for at least seven days unless claimed sooner by the owner.


  1. Disposition of Unredeemed Common Pets

Any common pet impounded under the provisions of this division which is not redeemed by the owner thereof within the time provided may be rehomed or humanely destroyed after seven (7) business days.


  1. Fee for Redemption

Every owner of any animal, including dogs, impounded, whether by the city or voluntarily by the owner, shall be liable for all costs and fees incurred by such impoundment. Within seven days the rightful owner of any dog held by the impounder may, provided the dog has been vaccinated and tagged as required in this chapter or by law, obtain the dog upon payment of a pound fee in the amount of $25.00, and, in addition thereto, the payment of the sum of $5.00 per day, or a fraction thereof, for the time the dog remained impounded.


  1. Inoculation of Redeemed Dogs and Cats

Every dog or cat redeemed under the provisions of this division which has not been inoculated shall be immediately inoculated. If the dog does not bear evidence of having been vaccinated, the owner shall be required to have said dog vaccinated MCA 1972, § 41-53-11 pursuant to within 48 hours of the following business day or relinquish the dog to animal control and to pay a fine of $50.00.





It shall be required of any person, owners of dogs/cats or otherwise, keeping and maintaining the same for breeding or show/competition purposes within the City Of Natchez to secure a Breeding/Unaltered Animal Permit from the City Clerk’s office and to keep the permit posted for inspection by the animal control officer or Health Department for compliance with the provisions set out thereon. The Breeding/Unaltered Animal Permit shall be $150, annually. A separate permit is required for each unaltered dog/cat.


  1. A Breeding/Unaltered Animal Permit may only be issued for a dog or cat:
  2. that is current on their vaccination requirements;
  3. that, not more than 90 days before the date of the breeding permit application, has been approved to breed by a licensed veterinarian; and
  4. that is used to show, to compete or to breed, which is of a breed recognized by and registered with the American Kennel Club (AKC), Continental Kennel Club (CKC), United Kennel Club (UKC), American Dog Breeders Association (ADBA), Cat Fanciers’ Association (CFA), or other bona fide registry and meets one (1) of the following requirements:
    1. The dog or cat has competed in at least one show or sporting competition sanctioned by a bona fide national registry within the last 365 days;
    2. The dog earned conformation, obedience, agility, carting, herding, hunting, protection, rally, sporting, working or other title from a purebred dog registry, referenced above, or other registry or dog sport association; or
    3. The owner of the dog or cat is a member of, and the dog or cat is registered with a bona fide purebred dog breed club or cat fancier’s association, which maintains and enforces a code of ethics for dog or cat breeding that includes restrictions from breeding dogs or cats with genetic defects and life threatening health problems that commonly threaten the breed, or the owner signs a statement under oath attesting that the dog or cat is being trained to comply with subsections a) or b), above


  1. To obtain a Breeding/Unaltered Animal Permit, a person must submit an application at the City Clerk’s office (on a form provided by the City Clerk for that purpose) and pay an annual breeding permit fee of $150. The breeding permit application must include:
  2. the name, address, and telephone number of the applicant;
  3. the location where the dog or cat is harbored;
  4. a description of the dog or cat, including but not limited to, a photograph of the animal;
  5. proof that the animal is qualified for a breeding permit under Subsection A of this section; and
  6. any other information determined necessary by the City for the enforcement and administration of this section.


  1. A breeding permit expires one year after the date of issuance and may be renewed by applying in accordance with Subsection B. of this section. If the City Clerk does not receive an application for a permit renewal within forty-five (45) days after the expiration of the permit, a $10 late fee will be added to the permit fee.


  1. A breeding permit is not transferable.


  1. A permittee commits an offense:
  2. if he allows a permitted female dog or cat to have more than two (2) litters during the permit term.
  3. allows the offspring of a female dog or cat for which he holds a breeding permit to be sold, adopted, or otherwise transferred, regardless of compensation, before the offspring have reached at least eight (8) weeks of age and have been vaccinated against common diseases;
  4. has more than the allowed number of dogs/cats in Kennel License section XII below.


  1. All changes of address and change of ownership must be reported to the City Clerk’s office within thirty (30) calendar days following such change.





A kennel license will be required if the number of dogs/cats kept upon one residential premise within the City, above the age of six (6) weeks, is in excess of the below:



This license will be obtained from the City Clerk’s office for a fee of $100, annually and will permit the premises to be inspected by the animal control officer or Health Department on a random basis and without prior notification for compliance with provisions set out thereon.





The entire area embraced within the corporate limits of the city is hereby designated as a bird sanctuary.



It shall be unlawful for any person to trap, hunt, shoot or attempt to shoot, or to molest in any manner any bird or to rob any bird’s nest within the city.



If any English sparrows, HAWKS REMOVED FROM CURRENT-FEDERALLY PROTECTED- jay birds, crows or crow blackbirds are found to be congregating in numbers in a particular locality within the city, the mayor and board of aldermen, after an investigation thereof and a hearing thereon, may determine such congregation to be a menace to health or property and a nuisance.


If the mayor and board of aldermen shall ascertain and determine that the congregation of any English sparrows, HAWKS REMOVED FROM CURRENT-FEDERALLY PROTECTED- jay birds, crows or crow blackbirds in a particular locality within the city shall constitute a menace to health or property and a nuisance, they shall proceed to abate the nuisance. If no satisfactory method of abatement can be found, such birds may be destroyed.





                                                             ADMENDMENT BY ADDITION




Carriage horses must receive regular veterinary care. Carriage horses must be registered with the City of Natchez and records kept daily of the number of hours each animal works.



All facilities used to house or hold Carriage Horses are subject to inspection at any time by the Animal Control Officer. All Carriage Horses must have appropriate and adequate food and water at all times. Stalls must be roomy and dry, with a fresh mat of hay at least once a week.



Encumbrances must be less than three (3) times the horse’s body weight. Consideration must be given to extremes of weather particularly heat and humidity and its impact on the horse. Shade shall be provided for the horses through the summer heat while they are idle. The Animal Control Officer may make a determination to issue a citation if he(she) believes the horse is not being treated humanely.






It shall be unlawful for any person to establish or maintain any hive, stand or box where bees are kept, or keep any bees in or upon any premises within the corporate limits of the City unless the bees are kept in accordance with the following provisions:


  1. If bee colonies are kept within fifty (50) feet of any exterior boundary of the property on which the hive, stand or box is located, a barrier that will prevent bees from flying through it, no less than five (5) feet high, shall be installed and maintained along the exterior
  2. Fresh, clean watering facilities for bees shall be provided on the
  3. The bees and equipment shall be kept in accordance with the provisions of State statute



                                                     ADMENTMENT BY ADDITION


The provisions of this article shall not apply to dogs, cats, pot-bellied pigs or other common household pets.



If any exotic wild animal is found within the city limits the game warden will be summoned for the animal(s) removal.



Any livestock found within the city in violation of the provisions of this ordinance shall be impounded by the animal control officer. The owner thereof must make provision for the sale of said animal or relocation outside of the city limits and pay the sum of $25.00, plus $10.00 per day for each day that such animal has remained impounded, plus the cost of capture and transportation. Within three (3) working days after any animal is impounded under the provisions of this article, if the animal remains unredeemed and the charges for holding, as well as any charges for capturing and transportation are not paid, the animal control officer shall, after advertising the unredeemed animal three (3) times in a newspaper having general circulation in the city, or by public notices posted in three (3) or more public places, proceed to sell at public sale to the highest bidder, for cash, any such animal.



The animal control officer shall pay over to the City Clerk all monies received under the provisions of this article.



Owner may recover proceeds of sale less expenses. Any person whose animal may have been sold under the provisions of this article shall, by making proper proof of ownership, be repaid the proceeds arising from the sale thereof, after deducting the expenses of advertising, feeding, selling and impounding, by petition to the animal control officer.



The animal control officer shall keep a book in which the date on which any animal impounded under the provisions of this article shall be entered, registering the animal, with a description specifying its kind, color, stature, marks or brands, by which it may be identified, and if it is a horse or mule, its estimated age.



  2. In case of an attack by an animal resulting in injury to any person, such animal shall be impounded by the impounder for observation for a period of 14 days, or the owner thereof may, upon notification to the impounder, have such animal impounded for 14 days with a private veterinarian licensed to practice veterinary medicine within the state. If at the end of such period of time, or any time prior thereto, it is determined that such animal has rabies, such animal shall be immediately destroyed.


  1. Any animal desired for observation by the animal control officer shall be delivered to such officer upon demand and shall not be withheld, hidden or harbored. Upon refusal of any person to so deliver such animal, the animal control officer or any officer of the police department shall cause a warrant to be issued for the arrest of such person, which warrant shall also provide for the surrender of the animal and shall be lawful authority for the apprehending and forcible taking of such animal.



It shall be unlawful for any person to interfere with the animal control officer while in the performance of his or her duties.




It shall be unlawful for any person to break into the duly designated animal shelter or secure any animal or dog while impounded or while being conveyed to or from the shelter.





If any part of this ordinance shall be held invalid, such part shall be deemed severable and the invalidity thereof shall not affect the remaining parts of this ordinance.




This Ordinance shall be in full force and effect by vote of the Mayor and the Board of Aldermen.


                     Safety Clause


The City of Natchez hereby finds, determines and declares that this ordinance is necessary for the immediate preservation of animal welfare, public health, safety of the City of Natchez and the inhabitants thereof.


The City of Natchez will enforce all applicable animal control or cruelty laws of the State of Mississippi and make them a part hereof.