Always remember day of 9-11
Published 12:01 am Tuesday, September 11, 2018
It has been 17 years since that fateful day in New York City when the World Trade Center Twin Towers toppled.
With the onslaught of two planes used as missiles by terrorists, flames erupted while steel and other debris tumbled to the ground.
Forever will this memory be etched in the minds of millions of people throughout the world as they witnessed first hand what hate can do to innocent people.
America was drenched in blood by terrorists unequal to anything since the Civil War in the 1800s when brother fought against brother. Then in the 1960s when once again American soil was desecrated with the spilling of innocent blood, all because of hatred.
One has to wonder when and where did hatred of mankind toward each other begin. It obviously began after the Garden of Eden when Adam and Eve did what God instructed them not to do. Since then, man has been rebellious against all that God instituted as good.
Many remember where they were and what they were doing at 8:46 a.m. that morning when the first jet slammed into the north tower. Soon afterward, another jet hit the other tower and not too long after that the Pentagon was hit with a third plane. Then in the rural area near Shanksville, Pennsylvania, brave people, along with Todd Beamer, gave their lives to avert their plane from hitting the White House/Capitol area.
In the Twin Towers 2,792 people lost their lives along with 184 at the Pentagon. When the final count was taken at least 3,000 people lost their lives on that tragic day.
I will always remember that day. I was using my computer at Vidalia Apparel when I heard my boss, Lester Richardson say, “Oh, no! A plane just hit the World Trade Center.” As he scanned CNN for news we sat in total disbelief as the news unfolded.
That day and days that followed were very somber. People showed more love and concern for each other. A renewed spirit of kindness was extended to each other and churches were filled to capacity as people asked why and how this could happen to America. There are no acceptable answers for those who lost loved ones.
The question will always be “Why do bad things happen to good people?” My only way to deal with this question is knowing that God uses bad things to do good things. Out of adversity comes strength and we get our strength from God Himself.
Jim Sanders is a Natchez resident.