43 Adams County Christian School graduates say ‘hello’ to bright future

Published 11:37 pm Friday, May 18, 2018


NATCHEZ — The future is like the sun, said Adams County Christian School graduate Caitlyn Gamberi — bright.

Gamberi looked out to a packed house Friday night at First Baptist Church of Natchez, representing herself and her peers as valedictorian of ACCS’s Class of 2018. As she took her position behind the church’s pulpit just before the Rebels received their diplomas, her words began to fill the room with the warmth of the sun.

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“While this is a time to celebrate,” Gamberi said, “it’s also a time to look at what’s coming next.”

Gamberi noted though the next step for her and her 42 classmates might not be mapped out quite yet, they should not fear while looking ahead.

“We will not have each other anymore. We will not have each other to lean on when we feel down,” Gamberi said. “But, we will have God.”

Gamberi and her fellow graduate and salutatorian Harley Martin took time in their speeches to quote multiple Bible verses, noting that while Friday night was the end of a chapter, God would continue to guide them throughout the rest of their lives.

“God knows what is best for us,” Martin said during her speech. “Sometimes life will take us down a dirt road. If we happen to make a wrong turn, God will turn it into a dead end.

“Life will be difficult, but all we have to do is look for guidance.”

First Baptist Church Pastor the Rev. Dr. Doug Broome also spoke to ACCS’s graduates Friday, taking time to praise the Lord, as well.

“Who you choose to follow in life is important,” he said. “But the most important person to follow is Jesus Christ.”

As soon as all graduates had crossed the stage, tight hugs and proud family members waited for their not-so-little-anymore students to exit the church. As they made their way outside for hundreds of photos, the sun had set — but the future was still bright.