Myers is next best thing to Santa Claus

Published 10:54 pm Sunday, April 29, 2018

Saturday was Christmas in April in Natchez.

No, Santa Claus did not bring toys to good boys and girls, but what happened might have been even better.

Christmas in April is a national movement set aside for volunteers and charities to help disabled veterans and senior citizens get things done around their houses.

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In Natchez, Carolyn Myers, Ph.D., led the charge, through her Seeds of Change organization.

This is the second year Myers has held Christmas in April in Natchez and she said the program grew this year.

Last year, the volunteer effort was able to help around the residences of 10 veterans and seniors with 25 volunteers.

On Saturday, the group set out to help around the houses of approximately 15 veterans and seniors, but they had so many requests they upped it to 20 houses, Myers said.

I was fortunate to meet Myers shortly after moving to Natchez when she reached out, and I did a story about Christmas in April coming up.

That story and a radio spot or two helped her get volunteers and to contact people who could benefit from the program.

Myers said she actually had 35 requests for help around houses, but could only take 20 of them, and she put them on the list, first-come, first-served.

Myers said she put the others on a waiting list and if the volunteers got the other work done early Saturday they would help as many of the others as possible.

Needless to say, Myers’ work is meaningful.

Myers, who holds a Ph.D. in business administration and marketing, said she was moved to found her charitable organization in 2016 after her husband, Frank, died of cancer.

She had left her career working in the food service industry and UPS to care for her husband.

“I’ve always had positions in church and the community and positions where I was always able to help,” she said.

After her husband died, she said she had a vision of how she could continue to help people, so she formed Seeds of Change as a 501 (C) (3).

The organization operates a food pantry and a clothes closet to help needy people with food and clothing. The food pantry has grown from helping 35 people to helping more than 200 people.

Seeds of Change also holds a Christmas bag program at Christmastime and Seeds of Change holds a pre-Thanksgiving meal and banquet for seniors and disabled people to ensure they have a good holiday season.

Other programs she heads up include health and job fairs and Myers says she has other plans in the works for community projects.

Myers is doing good work as evidenced by the Christmas in April program that helped veterans and seniors on Saturday.

She freely gives out the number for Seeds of Change 601-870-6343 and says if her organization cannot help them, then they will help connect them with someone who can.

I’m happy to know Myers. It is encouraging to have people such as her who work to make Natchez a better place.

Myers may not be Santa Claus, but to a lot of people in Natchez, she is the next-best thing.

Scott Hawkins is the editor of The Natchez Democrat. You can reach him at 601-445-3540 or